Economy: Visa requirement? Closed animals? Lines at the airport? – we tell you what is changing because of Brexit


Can I go to the UK without a passport?

This is possible until September 30, after which you can only enter the country with a valid passport. Validity cannot expire during the stay.

At the same time, an identity card issued in the EU is still sufficient for those who have applied for settled status in the island country (those who have lived in the UK for five years, more than one hundred thousand Hungarians have registered in the system since 2019). This option will last at least until the end of 2025.

Do I need a visa to enter?

For stays of less than 90 days for a short period of time, i.e. within 180 days, entry is visa-free for all EU countries, but for a longer period, a permit is required. Exactly what to claim depends on the purpose of the ticket. The UK has visas for skilled workers, seasonal workers, volunteers, athletes, start-ups, investors, but even domestic workers, among others, and a distinction is made for students who are going to study English for up to 11 months and those who they sign up for longer. in an educational institution, with or without a scholarship.

Will the animal passport still be valid?

The UK authorities will continue to accept EU animal passports from EU travelers, but pets will only be transported from the UK to the EU with an AHC, which can be issued by a veterinarian up to ten days before each trip. , at least 21 days before. after rabies vaccination, i.e. if vaccination is required, at least one month before travel. Of course, it is also mandatory that the animal has a microchip.


Will the European Health Card be valid?

No, so make sure you have travel insurance when you go out. The terms and conditions of the travel insurance available in Hungary do not fundamentally depend on whether a European country is a member of the EU or not.

Will it cost more to use a mobile phone?

The Roaming Regulation in force in the EU and the countries of the European Economic Area, which prohibits the charging of a surcharge for using a mobile device in another country, is repealed. However, this does not automatically mean that roaming will cost money again, it is the decision of the service providers, as well as maintaining the discounts in their own network or in general for their subscribers. The British Vodafone, for example, has already indicated that everything will remain the same.

Before leaving, it is worth consulting with the service provider, but if we have not done so, the conditions of use will also be revealed from the SMS received at the time of entry.

Will my license be valid?

Yes, you can still drive with him in the UK, but only for one year from the start of your stay. You will then need to apply to the UK authorities for naturalization, but you will not have to pass any exams for it.

On the other hand, motorists must carry their green card with them from January 1.

Will low-cost flights continue?

Yes, but that requires some changes on the part of the companies; Fortunately, air traffic is at an all-time low at first. The reason for the change is that the UK will not be part of the EU internal market, which has also allowed transport within the EU. Therefore, a British airline, more precisely owned by a British majority, may in future operate flights between the island country and the EU, but not between two EU airports. (For example, you can start between London and Budapest, but you can’t start between Budapest and Berlin.) This danger also threatened Wizz Air, which was previously listed in London, which the airline eventually overcame by selling some of its shares to its largest British owner.

Do I have the same rights when I travel?

The regulation, according to which all passengers are entitled to certain compensation in the event of cancellation or delay, will no longer apply to Great Britain. However, this does not mean that passengers will not be protected, as there will be no changes for EU airline flights and for all flights departing from the EU. The question is what will happen to British airlines flying from the UK to an EU destination; So far, there is promise that the parties will develop effective regulation in this area.

Can you transport something for free to the island nation?

The parties have agreed on duty-free trade, but this does not mean that nothing can be delivered to the island country indefinitely, without control. This also means that you must declare even the products in our package if they are intended for sale, if their import is restricted, perhaps prohibited, or if their quantity exceeds what is allowed. It is not so much: for example, in the case of concentrated beverages, only one liter, in the case of champagne, liquor 2, in the case of wine 4, and a box can be imported duty-free from a cigarette. The regulation also varies by value: for products worth £ 390-630, the duty is 2.5 per cent (for the total value, not just the top £ 390), above which the rate of product determines its rate. In these cases, VAT can also be applied to imported goods.

The introduction of customs duties will, of course, have more serious consequences, since, although no duty is paid, the procedure must be carried out on products transported for commercial purposes. At the moment, it is difficult to predict how much disruption this will cause, but for sure, for commercial companies, transport or anyone doing business with the British, it will result in additional administration.

Should I order online from the UK?

This will not really change in practice. In some cases, customs duties will have to be paid, but this is not due to Brexit, but to the new EU rules on distance selling. Tired of the tricks of traders, the EU has decided to pay VAT and, if necessary, customs duties on incoming goods to a much greater extent than before.

The regulations regarding personal data will not change for the moment, so the merchant cannot restrict access by default (the other question is whether to deliver here), and we can also rely on secure data management.

Can you bring food?

For food, authorities expect food safety certification on both sides of the canal, and people can import up to ten kilos of food from EU countries.

Can I trust products that come from the UK?

As the island nation has been a member of the community since 1973, it was subject to the same standards for technical items or food. This match will now cease, but the EU will continue to expect goods entering its territory to comply with EU technical or food safety standards. And, for example, if an epidemic breaks out in livestock, both parties can ban imports from certain areas.

Can credit and debit cards be used in the UK?

Yes, most cards issued in Hungary (Mastercard, Visa) can be used in most countries in the world, and their rates are set by banks, so you don’t have to wait for a change here either. There will also be no changes in access to bank accounts, so if someone moves home, for example, they can keep their UK checking account.

What about free employment?

Those who started working before Brexit, without restrictions under EU rules, in the UK will continue to retain their right to live and work in the island nation. To do this, they had to apply for the already established status.

The situation is already different for those trying their luck from 2021. It is now up to the British government to determine the conditions and restrictions under which it will accept EU citizens who wish to work. The London government primarily expects an influx of skilled labor into the points-based immigration system that will now be introduced for EU citizens. To ensure this, the visa applicant must meet several requirements: have a job offer with the appropriate level of qualification from a so-called visa sponsor, who must provide at least a minimum wage (£ 26,500) for the work to be done , and speak at least intermediate English (B1). In the area of ​​health care, the government promises prompt award, but does not require payment of health care contributions to others.

You can find more information about the system here in Hungarian.

Will Erasmus be available?

The completion of the Brexit process will also lead to the exit from the EU scholarship program at the end of the 2021/2022 academic year. The exception is Northern Ireland, as a result of a special agreement with Ireland, Erasmus can still be used here. The British government is replacing it with a new program named after the mathematician Alan Touring, although the relevant committee in the British Parliament also has doubts about how well they can replace the well-established scheme.

Will my qualifications be recognized?

This departure was automatic, but at least simplified, in both directions before departure, but will be abolished from 2021. This also means that the recognition of qualifications and diplomas acquired by Hungarians in the UK will be possible from the same as the two parties agree. The exact conditions for this are not yet clear, in any case the EU and the British are ready to develop some new mechanism for this in certain professions.

Would you return from the UK to Hungary? Can I bring my spouse?

Yes, spouses, life partners and children under the age of 18 can move to another country without restrictions. To do this, you must show that you have lived together before.

Can I expect to receive a British pension in Hungary?

Yes, the rights acquired before 2021 will also remain in the field of social security. It also includes the pre-existing period of entitlement to social security in the UK for other benefits in Hungary, such as job search allowance.

Are the tax rules changing in the relationship between the two countries?

In the field of income taxation, it is not the EU legislation but the double taxation agreement in force between the two countries that has been in force since 2012. In other words, this is not affected by Brexit.

More information can be found on the website of the Hungarian Embassy in London, on the Brexit subpage of and on the website of the British government.
