The prime minister attended the handover of a new high school building and praised the state’s support for church institutions.

When the state provides funds for the construction or maintenance of an ecclesiastical institution, it puts the money in the best place, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at XXII. At the Thanksgiving service held on the occasion of the handover of the new Rózsakerti Demjén renovated primary school secondary school building and gymnasium in it.

“All of Hungary receives a multiple of each guilder in education, education, culture, caring for families, the fallen, the poor, the elderly, the sick or even in nation building, helping Hungarian communities across the border. In many, many areas where the church and the state are each other’s employees today, ”the prime minister said of state support for church institutions.

Viktor Orbán – quoting the Reformed pastor and poet and writer Endre Gyökössy – also said: “We have been given Christian freedom (…) to raise children as homo Christians”, people committed to their faith, their family, their nation and their peers.

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