The US president has anticipated that he will not sign the federal government financing law.

After months of difficult negotiations, Congressmen Republicans and Democrats in the United States reached an agreement on the financing of government institutions in 2021. In a package of about 2.3 trillion dollars, 892 billion dollars have been reserved for stimulus measures in response to the coronavirus epidemic. With this budget, the operation of the United States government would be financed until September of next year.

However, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, indirectly threatened in a Twitter message not to sign the law on the financing of government institutions, which, according to analysts, could lead to a government shutdown at the end of the year.

In a video posted to Twitter on Tuesday night local time, Trump demanded that each citizen be given $ 2,000 instead of the currently planned $ 600, which according to news reports also surprised many of his colleagues. close. He did not make it clear whether he would actually veto the law.

A Reuters According to insiders who told the news agency, the president’s advisers believed they had managed to dissuade Trump from this lawsuit.

The president opposes, among other things, the enactment of foreign aid and museum funding at the Smithsonian Institution, for example.

Funding from the federal government is secured through Monday, so if Trump, who is gearing up for Florida on Wednesday, doesn’t sign the law in question, millions of government agency workers could be forced to take unpaid leave. .

The administration was involved in drafting the 5,500-page draft, and the White House even announced Sunday that Donald Trump would sign the bill.

The law has already been approved by a large majority in both houses of the legislature, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

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Trump still not giving up, attacking presidential election result in another lawsuit


They demand that the Supreme Court change the Pennsylvania court’s decision on the rules of correspondence in member states.

Trump is unhappy with the $ 892 billion crisis package and threatens to veto it


However, the outgoing president had previously found that everything was fine with the package.