In the capital, a taxpayer received an average capital income of 8.2 million HUF and 472.4 million in the prime minister’s home village.

According to 2019 data from the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV), 304,830 people reported capital income from dividends, exchange rate gains, long-term investments and the like. Almost half of these originated from Budapest (34 percent) and Pest County (15 percent), GKI Economic Research said.

According to the analysis, the county of Bács-Kiskun also had a high participation (6.8 percent), while the county of Nógrád was the only one with a participation below 1 percent (0.6 percent).

The national distribution of “capitalists” was 5 percent in Bács-Kiskun and Hajdú-Bihar counties, and 4.9 percent in Győr-Moson-Sopron and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén counties, while it was it drops in Tolna and Nógrád counties, only 2 and 1, respectively. 4 percent.

Most of the “capitalists” live in Budapest and in cities with county status, 45 percent, and more than half and 55 percent of total capital income was declared there, GKI said. The capital income declared by “capitalist” averaged 8.2 million HUF in the capital.

Within the capital, districts XII, II and I had the highest values: 16.7, 15.7 and 10.9 million HUF per capita. In cities with county status, this number averaged 5 million HUF.

Among castles with county status, the average capital income per return was high (HUF 6.9 million in Győr, HUF 5.9 million in Kecskemét, HUF 5.5 million in Érd, Székesfehérvár and Debrecen). The lowest value was born in Salgótarján, on average HUF 2 million.

The highest capital income per return, with an average of 472.4 million HUF, was declared in the town of Felcsút, with a total capital income of 30.7 billion HUF generated in the settlement last year, according to NAV data.

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The price of the sports hotel in Felcsút, built three years ago, is around 11,000 million and has not yet been completed
At home

The construction began with a state subsidy of 1.4 billion guilders, this spring the amount was already around 8 billion, and this was not enough either. It should have been completed in 2019, now the completion date of the works is set for the first half of 2021.

According to TV2, Felcsút is also increasingly attractive for primary school students

Facts report a very successful public investment: the new school in Felcsút can be built by the company of the sons of Lőrinc Mészáros.