The foundations of the program, which is also popular in Hungary, have just been laid in the UK.

Although Boris Johnson was still confident in January that there will be no problems with the Erasmus program, which offers students the opportunity to study abroad, now British students appear to be failing due to Brexit: The Guardian reported that Johnson is leaving the program and starting yours.

Not much is known yet about the details of the program, which is named after Alan Turing, but the promise is that adventurous students will be able to travel not only to other countries in Europe but also to other parts of the world.

Adam Tickell, Vice Chancellor of the University of Sussex, said the country was sad to leave the program because they had laid the foundation for the entire program, which had completely changed the lives of thousands of students (including Hungarians) in recent years .

The Brexit deal lasted four and a half years, consumed two prime ministers, and was not yet finalized until December 24. You can read the details of the agreement by clicking here.

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