Amazon first tried to deny it, but has now acknowledged that its couriers often don’t get a chance to go to the bathroom.

Amazon has apologized to US Congressman Mark Pocan for trying to deny the harsh working conditions at the parcel service, ABC News reports.

A senior Amazon official had previously discussed on Twitter what a progressive workplace is at Amazon; in response, a Wisconsin spokesman said the $ 15-per-hour rate cannot be described as progressive, especially if workers are forced to urinate into a bottle of mineral water.

Amazon initially tried to trivialize this claim by saying that if it really were, no one would work for them. Later, however, they recognized that their messengers often find it really difficult to make time for the bath, especially during their rural trips. In addition, the epidemic situation is exacerbated by the closure of many public toilets in the United States. And the problem of bottling is present throughout the parcel industry, at least according to Amazon.

The company always bets that it is looking for a solution to the problem, although it does not yet know what it will be.

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What is the secret of Amazon's success?  How can Hungarian web shops take over?

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The messenger, who has no mask, plays with his work.

Györgyi Balla

Strict rules also apply to postal deliveries.