According to the Competition Authority, they have no jurisdiction in this matter.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán made 2,000 florins for Ferencváros’s success during the Champions League playoff relegation at Tippmix. He also showed the online gambling process, as well as the coupon, in a video uploaded to his social media site, but did not indicate that what viewers see is advertising.

As a result, Népszava turned to the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH). The authority responded to the sheet:

There is no legislation that establishes the competence of the GVH in this matter ”.

The newspaper recalled that GVH was not always so lenient with the editors of such content on social media, for example, a few years ago it targeted the pages of some Hungarian celebrities. In the case of Tibor Kasza, Réka Rubint and Regina Dukai, the process also started. Influencers have committed to making it clear, understandable, and perceptible to consumers when a post is published for a fee. The Office also drew your attention to the fact that both the publisher of the post and the seller of the product in question are responsible for not marking the advertisement, so both parties have an interest in lawful communication. Later, Dukai was punished for not complying with all the regulations.

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There may be spectators at Fradi's BL matches

UEFA will allow stadiums to be filled to 30 percent from next week. You can also prepare for the Hungarian European Championship qualifier.

Champions League: Ferencváros starts in Barcelona

The first home game will be on October 28.