Imre Palkovics, president of the National Association of Workers’ Councils, told the Hungarian Nation about this.

The abolition of the labor market contribution is proposed by the National Association of Workers’ Councils, whose president said the measure would benefit all employees, since the contribution must be deducted from the employee’s gross salary, he wrote in its Friday edition. Hungarian nation. Imre Palkovics, president of the association, told the newspaper that

There is still no substantial rapprochement between representatives of employers and unions on raising the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage next year.

The union side would consider a 7.5 percent salary increase acceptable for 2021, he said.

The union leader said about the contribution of the labor market, the government did not rule out the abolition of the one and a half percent layoffs imposed on employees, the proposal will be discussed at the next cabinet meeting. The suppression of the contribution would result in an immediate increase in net wages, and all workers would benefit from the measure, not just employees with the minimum wage, he stressed.

Imre Palkovics also spoke about the fact that in the event of an increase of less than 7.5 percent from the unions’ proposed salary increase, a two-stage salary agreement is considered acceptable in 2021. If an agreement is reached With employers on a two-step pay increase, they would propose a 6.5 percent recovery from January.

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Government warns: tax exemption for companies can be claimed until midnight


They help the work of those working in the tourism, hospitality and leisure sectors, and accommodation providers and tour operators have already joined the circle.

Is this the end of the world for cats?  Information and actions for those involved in tightening

Ivan Stoychev

The government argues that it will reduce abuses such as the detailed small business tax, that is, the kata rules, changes from 2021, but many companies and many accountants see tens of thousands of decent small businesses badly punished for some tricks. Either way, it’s so safe that catakists need to learn new rules. Their situation is also not relieved by the fact that the tax legislation applicable to them has been changed twice, first in the summer and then in the autumn tax package.