According to László Kövér, referring to the rule of law, the union’s operating rules must be trampled in the mud, demonstrating the total moral loss of the European Union. All this leads directly to the abyss, to the disintegration of the European Union.

Today, the European Union is only trying to set an example in Hungary by linking financial issues and the rule of law, but if it can be successful, the strongest will rule Europe instead of the rule of law, the president said in the Sunday newspaper of Kossuth Radio.

László Kövér put it this way, the EU is following a policy of crude power and wants to subdue the weaker member states or “political groups, ideologically convinced that they do not belong to the left-wing, Libyan, neo-Marxist Komi coalition, which now it is kind of intends to use the “moral terror” in Europe.

In a letter to the presidents of the countries that will hold the next EU presidency, Fat warned that if the institutions in Brussels continued to insist on linking financial issues and the rule of law, they would jeopardize the adoption of the next EU budget. and they would prevent the southern member states from receiving the vital aid package. . According to Fat, if this happens, it will be the responsibility of those who also try to take advantage of the situation caused by the coronavirus epidemic to pressure countries that protect their own constitutional sovereignty, especially Hungary and Poland.

Following this letter, Germany and the European Parliament delegation agreed to introduce even stricter rules than the original ones. László Kövér described as a bloody folly that they admit that the mechanism of the rule of law in treaties is not enough, so they “invent new ones.”

The mechanisms of the rule of law are included in the treaties precisely so that arbitrary procedures cannot be initiated on the basis of political or ideological beliefs, he added. According to the president of the Fidesz election, the rules of the union must be trampled on, citing the rule of law, which shows the total moral loss of the European Union.

All this leads directly to the abyss, to the disintegration of the European Union.

Fat said he was used to the fact that in Western Europe there could only be one type of voice in the press. In fact, it is not in Hungary and Poland where the press is in trouble, but in “the countries west of us, where they already think that with the overwhelming dominance of the media, the Goebbels propaganda they already have,” they may believe that the Hungarian and Polish governments are responsible for why troubled states do not receive a rescue package, he said.

According to Fat, the majority of the Hungarian government will fight for the sovereignty of the country until the last moment. “We did not join an empire, we had had enough when we had a client state, a colony, in the Soviet Union,” he said. He refuses to agree to “attach to the European Union the same Brussels image associations as, say, the Brezhnev doctrine.” The spokesperson also noted that the Polish Civic Platform proved to be a conservative center-right party, but in the meantime “sold its soul to the devil.”

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