In December, only a small quantity of Sputnik arrives for clinical trials, and a more serious shipment may arrive in January.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus mostly ranged from 50 to 100 in 24 hours. The first step is partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

A sample of the Russian coronavirus vaccine will arrive in Hungary within a week and a half, and can be subjected to laboratory tests, Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Péter Szijjártó told M1 on Wednesday night.

Then, in December, a small shipment of Sputnik V arrives for clinical trials. And in the second half of January, larger deliveries could begin, he said.

On Wednesday, it was agreed with Russia that the Russian side would collect the necessary documentation to obtain the license in Hungary and send it to Budapest by Thursday evening at the latest. The minister also said the regulation could be issued on Wednesday, under which an “emergency” import permit could be issued, temporarily for a period of 6 months.

Szijjártó also mentioned that on Friday he will consult with the Russian Minister of Industry and Commerce. The Hungarian company, which currently manufactures vaccines against other viruses, including influenza, will also participate in the meeting. We already know that this company complies with the so-called second level of security.

However, it is still being tested to see if it can switch to the production of this vaccine. The answer to this may be in the middle to the end of next week.

– He said.

The minister, who has been in quarantine for nine days for a coronavirus infection, also said that as time passes, it becomes increasingly difficult to endure the quarantine. He misses his family more and more.

He said of his illness that he “managed” to produce all of his symptoms except pneumonia and fever: headaches, sore throat, cough, diarrhea and muscle aches.

However, in the past day and a half she had already felt that her symptoms had alleviated, she said, noting, however, that it might take some time to regain her previous physical condition. He hopes to be able to work at his workplace next week.

On Tuesday, the research institute that produced the Russian vaccine said Sputnik V is 90 percent operational and perhaps even more effective. Oksana Drapkina said all this after two companies, Pfizer and Biontech, claimed to have developed a 90 percent effective vaccine against the coronavirus.

Almost nothing is known about the Russian drug, and it is also questionable why Russian scientists have not shared more information about it. However, the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Nikolai Gamaleja, began testing the drug on 40,000 volunteers in Moscow, but the results are also unknown.

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Vaccine nationalism is only dragging the epidemic, it would require self-control from world leaders

András Németh

When does a politician behave correctly? If you do everything you can to make sure the citizens of your country get the coronavirus vaccine before everyone else? Or if it passes some of the vaccines to millions of vulnerable but destitute people in developing countries? Hundreds of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives depend on the answers to this question.

Brazil continues to test the Chinese coronavirus vaccine


Testing of the experimental CoronaVac was discontinued after the death of a volunteer. But the case is said to have nothing to do with the vaccine.