According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the leader of the European People’s Party also failed as a man.

Donald Tusk has also failed as a party leader and as a man, Chancellor Péter Szijjártó responded to the statement by the president of the European People’s Party.

In an interview with Free Europe, Tusk said that Orbán’s “attempt to create a new ideology that he calls illiberal democracy is, in effect, an abnormal democracy.”

Péter Szijjártó put it this way, he understands that Donald Tusk had difficulties to get out of Polish domestic politics, he could not back down and was frustrated by the good cooperation between the Polish and Hungarian governments “based on the centuries-old brotherhood of our nations.”

However, he stressed that it was unacceptable to call Hungarian democracy a phenomenon. With this, Donald Tusk questions the performance of the Hungarian nation, since the Hungarian nation has struggled throughout its history, up to thirty years ago, to live in freedom and democracy, he wrote.

He added: Donald Tusk had a chance to prove himself, but as the leader of the family of Europe’s largest party, he did nothing to make it easier for Europeans to face the economic and health challenges posed by the pandemic.

“Donald Tusk did not help buy fans or protect any European workplace,” Péter Szijjártó said.

Donald Tusk was not the first to speak so critically about Viktor Orbán. The conservative Polish politician has repeatedly criticized Orban for believing that in possession of the majority, a politician is doing what he wants. The EPP electorate, at the initiative of more than a dozen member parties, decided to suspend Fidesz last March, which in practice means that the Hungarian ruling party cannot participate in the decisions, and Viktor Orbán will not be invited to the party summits.

In September, the vice president of the European Commission, Vera Jourova, spoke in a similar way to Tusk about Orbán’s conception of democracy. Then he said in an interview that Hungary is a sick democracy. In fact, he used a play on words, abbreviating illiberal democracy as “sick democracy,” which means sick democracy.

Several members of the Hungarian government, including the prime minister, have asked the vice president to resign, but he has not resigned, and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has said she trusts Jourova.

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