Merchants have also embarked on promotions to attract even more shoppers before they have to lower the blinds.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day, and the number of deaths from the virus mostly ranged from 50 to 100 in 24 hours. The first step is partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

Telex has noted that Austrians have started to panic, with several shopping malls snaking hundreds of meters in front of checkouts, as news portal wrote on Friday that schools will close in Austria, smaller stores may remain open, but many shopping malls people can gather, they must also lower the blinds to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has yet to make an official announcement, but the Austrians are sure to start a panic buying safely. On Mariahilfer Strasse, Vienna’s shopping street in the capital, according to OE24, a 200-meter line was developed in front of one of the shoe stores, which began selling its wares for the weekend at a 50% discount. But many people also want to enter general and clothing stores.

As wrote, in Austria schools will completely switch to digital education, only kindergartens can remain open and in some places the lower grades of primary school. In business terms, the government agrees with experts and industry representatives that a complete shutdown would lead to the collapse of the economy, so not all stores will be closed as an intermediate solution, only the largest shopping centers where the most crowds can congregate. Also, beauticians and masseurs cannot receive guests, but closing hair salons is still not a problem.

Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister, has repeatedly spoken of Austria as our “laboratory”, and the steps introduced there also serve as an example for Hungary. In Austria, the same austerity measures were announced on November 1, which Viktor Orbán ordered at home with a 10-day delay. We also asked operational staff and the Government Information Center when a restriction similar to the Austrian one was expected in Hungary, that is, the closure of primary schools and shopping centers, but we have not received a response yet.

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Is that waiting for us too?  Schools and shopping centers close in Austria


Viktor Orbán has repeatedly referred to Austria as our “laboratory”, and the steps introduced there also serve as an example for Hungary.