Igor Matovič was avoided crying in a radio interview when he said that his economy minister was deliberately slowing down the acquisition of rapid tests.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

According to a report from Parameter.sk, at least one unusual conversation took place on Thursday in a radio interview with the country’s prime minister, Igor Matovič. The politician said he would like his government’s Finance Minister Richard Sulig to resign before Christmas over the scandal surrounding the acquisition of antigen tests and then go further:

“I’m sorry that an idiot is our finance minister who can’t buy the tests so that we can save lives and health and to protect the economy so that children can go back to school and restaurants can open.”

Matovič admitted that he had also made a mistake, and then began to speak in a shaky voice about Sulík’s attitude and was reportedly close to tears. “What does this prove? That puts people on top because for him they are just numbers. Because we save when the old and the sick die. I can no longer forgive that, I have nausea and crying is avoided. I’m sorry I messed up your show, “he said, then said he didn’t watch Sulík’s production with his hands folded.

“He can change the law so that we can buy the tests in two days so that we can save lives, thousands of human lives. He buys the tests in seven weeks, is that normal?” – I ask.

Sulík also responded to the Prime Minister’s words, saying that Slovakia has more problems now than dealing with Matovič’s emotional state, and will not change the legislation at someone’s request because it is a state governed by the rule of law and the Ministry of Economy. has not yet drafted a public procurement law. as previously requested by the Prime Minister. Sulík has since deleted his post.

In Slovakia, in fact, there has been a government crisis since the first round of national tests, and this statement is unlikely to bring the Prime Minister closer to his Finance Minister either.

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The former head of the Slovak national police has been placed in pre-trial detention


The witnesses may be trying to influence Tibor Gaspar and three other former police chiefs, according to the court.

Czech Republic and Slovakia target each other for coronavirus

MTI / hvg.hu

Andrej Babis fears that the restrictions imposed in Slovakia affect tourists due to the high number of infected people in the Czech Republic.