Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised a total exemption from income tax to workers under the age of 25 from 2022 at the latest in a radio interview on Friday morning. The announced measure could have a significant impact on the borrowing capacity of those affected, however, according to Bank360’s analysis, it will be worth paying attention when young people decide to borrow. It is conceivable that at age 25 the quotas have to be managed from a decreasing salary.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has promised a total exemption from income tax for young people under the age of 25 from 2022, which means that they are not expected to have to pay a 15 percent income tax on gross wages.

There are still many questions surrounding the announced measure, but the prime minister said he plans to grant the tax exemption up to the average salary.

Although the value for the total population is higher, the average gross salary in Hungary in the first seven months of 2020 was 287,700 HUF in 25 years (these are the most recent data for this age group). Of this amount, without the family tax allowance, 191,300 HUF remained with the employees, but if they had not had to pay personal income tax, they could have withheld HUF 234,455.

This is of great importance even when applying for a loan.

“If net wages increase to such an extent, the conditions for applying for a loan will also become significantly more flexible,” said Rita Vrazsovits, an analyst at Bank360.

Due to the rules of the rate of reimbursement related to income (JTM), the higher our take-home pay, the higher the payment we can make. Ultimately, this results in us being able to obtain a higher loan amount with the same term or repay a particular loan amount in a shorter term.

However, it is worth keeping an eye out. This is because when an employee turns 25 and begins to deduct PIT from their pay, their take-home pay drops significantly. If the employer does not request any compensation, it is 18.4 percent.

“This means that you have to earn a previously paid fee from a lower income unless your salary goes up. Also, a decrease in income can mean a loss of interest repayments, as banks take into account the client’s income not only when they apply, but also throughout the term. As a result, even the monthly fee can increase at the same time as the salary decreases, ”said Rita Vrazsovits.

What is the difference?

According to current income-based repayment rules, if a ten-year home loan is used as the basis, 50 percent of the net income can be used for repayment of the loan, which is HUF 95,650,000, remaining at the average salary of employees under 25 years of age.

According to the Bank360 calculator, ten-year home loans are typically available with an APR of 4%. Taking all this into account, we can raise a maximum of HUF 9.4 million with a maturity of 10 years, HUF 15.8 million with a maturity of 20 years and HUF 18.1 million with a maturity of 25 years.

On the other hand, if we have a higher net income of HUF 234 thousand, then the above values ​​will increase significantly: we can obtain a loan of HUF 11.6 million for 10 years, HUF 19.3 million for 20 years and HUF 22, 2 million to 25 years.

If our goal is not to obtain a mortgage loan as much as possible, but to return the amount collected as soon as possible, we can save significant amounts with the help of the increase in repayment.

Continuing with our original example, if a 10-year loan of HUF 9.4 million were repaid with a repayment of HUF 117,228 instead of HUF 95,560, our original term would be reduced by more than two years, 26 months, and the amount to reimburse at almost HUF 460,000 there will be less. The 20-year HUF 15.8 million loan can be repaid 61 months in advance with the repayment increase, saving almost HUF 2 million, and the 25-year HUF 18.1 million loan can be permanently repaid, saving HUF 3.2 million 6 years before the original maturity. .

It is also worth recalculating for smaller loans.

If we examine free-use personal loans disbursed without real estate collateral, the maximum amount that can be repaid according to the JTM rules already mentioned is HUF 96,650 thousand, as are mortgages with longer interest periods, and also 117,228 thousand HUF, calculated on the increased net amount.

For a higher personal loan for 60 months, according to the joint HVG and Bank360 calculator, an APR of around 9 percent is worth expecting. Thus, for 60 months, with these conditions and the average salary already used in our example, a maximum of 4.7 million HUF can be taken, the total amount to be reimbursed is 5.8 million HUF. If we want to repay this amount as soon as possible, we can undertake a period of up to 47 months thanks to the free net salary of PIT, which reduces the total amount to be repaid by 251,000 HUF. And if the goal is to be able to borrow as much as possible, then with PIT’s free average salary, staying within the 60-month period, we can borrow up to 5.6 million guilders.

Black soup can reach 25 years

Before taking a loan, it is always worth considering whether we could manage the repaid installment even if our income declines. This is because during the term of the loan, especially in the case of a mortgage loan, we can face many unexpected situations.

Following the introduction of the PIT exemption, this precaution will be increasingly justified for those under the age of 25, as they cannot be sure that their salary will not drop significantly after age 25.

Continuing with our example, if an employee starts deducting PIT from his salary after turning 25, he will have to manage a refund of up to 117,000 HUF of 191,300 HUF instead of 234,455 HUF, which will leave him with about 74,000 HUF per month . costs.

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