Several municipal workers had to be dispatched, while working hours or wages were reduced elsewhere.

Coronavirus pandemic

The number of people infected with the coronavirus in the world already exceeds four million, almost three hundred thousand have lost their lives to the disease and the economic impact of the epidemic is invaluable. The spread of the epidemic is already slowing in several countries, restrictions have been eased in several places. We try to inform our readers about everything, stay with us, read our series of articles.

Since the closure of educational institutions, 100 of 105 people have not had a job in the municipality’s kitchen, said Ilona Matkovich, the mayor of Vác elected with the support of the opposition. Institutional employees, on the other hand, must take care of it, writes Népszava.

After the emergency was declared, they planned to pay their wages with the auto tax, but when the government cut that income, they had to re-plan everything. The document writes that many people in cultural institutions already worked part-time, so in the end the payment of the salaries of 70 kitchens and 20 full-time officials would have to be resolved in Vác.

The National Association of Municipalities indicated immediately after the deduction of the automobile tax that 70 percent of the municipalities would have no income left, but only in recent weeks has it become clear how many financial problems this represents for the municipalities that run the institutions.

Mezőtúr in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County has also suspended all non-mandatory local government activities, and all developments that were planned to be implemented with its own resources or partially frozen, and Lóránt Budai, the mayor of Jászberény chose the year He told the newspaper that support for sports and non-governmental organizations had been suspended, and that the contribution to the construction of houses and houses, mainly for young people, had been frozen. The previous trade tax of 2.5 billion on average is expected to be much lower this year, so by the end of the year the situation in the 27,000-strong deal will not improve, but will continue to deteriorate.

Ajka Mayor Béla Schwartz, who told Népszava that due to the auto tax deduction, paid parking suspension and lower business tax revenue, only his own investments had to be restricted, was postponed, others were removed from the agenda. According to the head of the city of Bakony, in September it will be revealed how much they need to tighten their belts: even if the trade tax is much lower than planned, they could get into serious trouble. In Dunaújváros, a small group has already been affected by the savings, and among municipal employees, the salaries of kindergarten teachers who did not commit to participating in elder care were reduced.

Nagyatád Mayor István Ormai also stated that some planned investments were canceled, support for NGOs and sports associations was reduced and five people were sent from the spa, which we had to close due to the epidemic, and the rest it would be used for six hours instead of eight. András, the independent mayor of Cegléd, declared that they only carry out compulsory care tasks, not voluntary ones.

Csaba Csóti, president of the Trade Union Cooperation Forum (SZEF), told Népszava that troubled local governments would come out ahead if they negotiated with representatives of institutional employees on ways to keep jobs and wages.

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MTI / Daily economy

Following the Italian example, motor vehicle tax and compulsory liability insurance should also be introduced in Hungary, along with insurers, György Szmetana told Napi Gazdaság.