There are municipalities where workers stopped working from Wednesday morning until closing on Friday.

17 and a half percent of municipal workers, 5,358 people, joined the strike announced by the Union of Civil Servants, Civil Servants and Public Service Workers of Hungary (MKKSZ), which began on Wednesday morning and will continue until closing time on Friday. His popular word.

Ms Pétern Boros, president of MKKSZ, told the newspaper that it was left to their basic organizations which solution they would choose to finish their work. There are places where the offices are closed until Friday, but in the municipality of Budapest, workers strike only between 8 and 10 am every three days.

Meanwhile, an exchange of letters was held between the union and Interior Minister Sándor Pintér. Pintér wrote to advocates that while local governments perform numerous public tasks, they receive the necessary state resources and have significant reserves.

According to the Minister of the Interior, there are 30,573 civil servants working in 1,284 local government offices in Hungary, and the municipalities themselves decide on their budgets. He also added the His popular word that the government expected them to cooperate in controlling the epidemic and that there was no room for disunity in an epidemic situation. According to Pintér, the government does not consider it necessary to negotiate with the unions.

Today MKKSZ responded to Pintér’s letter that it was the local government employees who gave an example of solving unexpected situations, of selfless work during the epidemic.

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Orthopedic shoemakers announced a strike

Orthopedic shoemakers are still on a slowdown strike this week, but if they don’t increase the official prices set for 10 years, there could be a total shutdown.

Municipal workers prepare for a three-day strike in early September
At home

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