The catering facilities will be closed until the end of November and there will be no concerts or theatrical performances, among other things, but the schools will not be closed.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Germany will be partially closed, Chancellor Angela Merkel said after talks with regional leaders. The measure will take effect on November 2, will last for one month and will cover the entire country. The decision will be reviewed in two weeks, Reuters reports.

Under the new setting, restaurants must be closed, prepared meals can only be delivered to go. Theaters, operas, and concert halls are also unable to open, but convenience stores, elementary schools, and kindergartens can continue to operate. Sporting events, such as Bundesliga football matches, can only be held without spectators. Depending on the decision, a family can only gather a maximum of one other family and a maximum of ten people can be present. Overnight stays in hotels are prohibited, rooms can only be reserved for business trips.

These are tough measures “

Merkel told reporters.

The chancellor said that the number of patients seen in the intensive care unit had doubled in the last ten days, and Merkel said that if the epidemic escalated at the current rate, the German health system would reach its limits. The chancellor added that the companies affected by the closure will receive up to 10 billion euros in financial support.

After a discussion with provincial heads of government, Merkel said a “joint national effort” is needed to stop the epidemic, “to get rid of the exponential (explosive) growth.” The chancellor added that in 75 percent of cases, it is unknown how the infection occurred, so it is necessary to reduce the risk of widespread transmission of the virus.

Angela Merkel previously called the rate of spread of the coronavirus epidemic dramatic at a leadership meeting of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU). The chancellor later said he feared he would not be left with enough competent doctors and nurses to care for the growing number of patients arriving. Andreas Westerfellhaus, a specialist in the functioning of the German system of care, suggested that people celebrate Christmas in several shifts and in a tight circle.

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Merkel: intensive care in Germany could collapse at Christmas

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said adjustments were needed, closing restaurants and bars, among other things, but leaving schools open for the time being. Experts suggest a Christmas “change”.

How could the risk of infection in Germany have been reduced after the reopening of schools?


Following the reopening of schools, the risk of coronavirus infection decreased slightly. At least in Germany, according to the IZA Institute for Labor Economics in Bonn. The survey authors themselves were surprised by the result, as news from various school focal points suggested otherwise.