The highland billionaire showed up and celebrated in Debrecen with Péter Szijjártó, Lajos Kósa and László Palkovics.

Hungary should be proud of the Hungarian construction industry, which has caught up with foreigners in the last thirty years, working a hundred years at a disadvantage. “

– said Lőrinc Mészáros on Friday in Debrecen, at the birthday event of V-Híd Építő Zrt. V-Bridge M.

The billionaire billionaire also said that the “construction slump” started at the time of the regime change, who then privatized the sector, were unsuccessful, but when large foreign corporations took over the companies, they worked well, they won. all jobs under balliberal governments.

Lőrinc Mészáros also said that

the governments of Medgyessy and Gyurcsány crushed the Hungarian construction industry ”.

He added: Development in the construction industry also started in 2010, many successful Hungarian companies grew. Today, 60-70 percent of the market is owned by Hungarian-owned companies, previously it was 5-10 percent.

Lőrinc Mészáros


The great businessman, whose divorce proceedings began earlier this week,

He said it was a mistake to think that Hungarian companies are only “given the job”, in his opinion they should always win in a competition.

Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Lajos Kósa, representative of the Fidesz Parliament of the region, and László Palkovics, Minister of Innovation and Technology, also attended the event.

Szijjártó said that since the coronavirus epidemic, we know that countries that have their own national capacities and capacities in most areas, including the ability to carry out transport developments on their own, can be successful, winners of the new world order. The Foreign Minister also briefed his audience on the art of railway construction, including Lőrinc Mészáros:

Szijjártó also spoke about the fact that “it is not possible to organize a class economy, class fighter (…), a national economy can only be organized at the national level”. That is why, while he governs, the ballib group also receives all the help, the Tamás Leisztinger businesses also receive all the help, we also help the János Kóka companies, but we are not willing to negatively discriminate against entrepreneurs and companies that are known to they belong to the national conservative camp. ”Added Szijjártó, who was on vacation on the yacht of one of the richest Hungarian construction contractors, László Írjj, in August.

Palkovics spoke about the fact that V-Híd Zrt., 5 years old, is one of the new Hungarian business success stories. “In the company’s first year of formation, he not only dealt with construction, but also rethought the strategic planning on how it will work in the future. As a result, it has been part of a series of successful rail developments. “

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Butcher vs.  Butcher: What are the risks of divorce?

Russian babett

Lőrinc Mészáros announced his divorce; As a result of the expected split, hundreds of billions of forints in property may change hands and be transformed, and at the same time, the economic background of the National Cooperation System may become even more opaque.

A thousand threads unite the Fidesz candidate from Borsod to Orbán and Mészáros

Yvette Szabo

It is also important that the Prime Minister and his friend, Lőrinc Mészáros, retain the parliamentary mandate of the Koncz family, more precisely Zsófia Koncz, famous for their “provocative surveillance”, even after the by-elections in the Borsod constituency.