As a government commissioner, János Lázár spoke at a conference about how the government displaces foreign retail chains. To do this, he put strong protectionist economic policy measures, according to him, the target is the Hungarian national retail trade.

János Lázár, the government commissioner responsible for the coordination of state tasks carried out by János Lázár, Nemzeti Ménesbirtok és Tangazdaság Zrt., Sends a message to the distribution chains at the Agricultural Sector Conference organized by the Portfolio Group – writes the Agrá According to the newspaper, Lázaro spoke of:

The government’s future plans also include displacing foreign retail chains, for which an openly protectionist policy will be followed. You have to be offensive in this, because there has to be a Hungarian national retailer, the dominance of the market is your own interest. asked the Government Information Center if the government is really preparing for this. As soon as they reply, we will update our article.

This would not be the first time the government has launched an open fight against foreign retail chains. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán previously stated that this is also one of the strategic sectors where majority Hungarian ownership would be desirable. This is also the reason for the differentiated special retail tax and the market stop, the former placing an additional burden on the sector and the latter limiting the margin for expansion. It was also an open secret that politics wanted to favor the CBA, but the founder of the chain, László Baldauf, finally abandoned the fight against the most competitive multis and leased several of the commercial premises he owned to them.

Since then, the dream of majority ownership has been darkened, and even Lőrinc Mészáros now owns commercial properties in which a SPAR or Aldi store operates.

János Lázár also addressed another topic at the online conference, and that is the situation of the Hungarian food industry. According to the government commissioner, this is a never ending opportunity to redesign the Hungarian countryside and agriculture. To achieve results, it is necessary to consolidate into cooperatives, following the Polish pattern, or to strengthen the Hungarian processing industry so that Hungarian raw materials are processed by Hungarian companies, packaged by Hungarian companies and sold as Hungarian products. According to Lázár, in the language of numbers, this means raising the Hungarian-owned processing industry, the consumption of food produced in Hungary and the national contribution to 80 percent.

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János Lázár: If you win Fidesz in 2022, you will see the error correction

According to the representative of Hódmezővásárhely, former Chancellor, Fidesz has an internal saying, that “only Fidesz is better than Fidesz”.

Even worse than the most pessimistic expectation, the turnover of Hungarian stores fell

Retail sales fell 1.9 percent from a year earlier. There was a big drop in stores that sell second-hand and technical products, clothing stores, and gas stations, but there was no growth anywhere other than grocery stores.