Depending on the type of driving, it will be possible to request a subsidy of 90-150 thousand HUF for the purchase of an electric bicycle. The tender will be announced in October and is intended for those who wish to work with the vehicle. The budget will be enough for about 7,000 bicycles.

A HUF 1 billion tender for the purchase of electric bicycles will be announced next month, said Péter Kaderják, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Policy at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM).

People can request support:

  • up to 90,000 HUF for the purchase of bicycles with pedal sensors,
  • and for bikes with torque sensors they can ask for 150 thousand guilders.

In both cases, the subsidy can cover up to half the price of the vehicle, and the price of electric bicycles that can be purchased in this way has also been maximized: they can cost up to 900,000 florins.

The purpose of the app is to help you get to work, so the app will need to be accompanied by an employment document, and the bikes must meet specified technical and environmental requirements.

According to Péter Kaderják, the bicycle is the most ecological mode of transport. The use of assisted electric bicycles can help more and more people to choose this mode of transport, even in place of conventional cars.

The tender was entrusted to IFKA Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. You can only apply electronically.

The possibility of supporting electric bicycles was first raised by the Hungarian Cycling Club and the Hungarian Cycling and Trade Association. They approached several ITM executives after the government announced that they would support the purchase of electric vehicles, cars and scooters, with 5 billion HUF.

Government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirályi also spoke at the press conference, recalling that the tender announced earlier in the year was so successful that the budget had to be increased by HUF 882 million to support all applicants. According to a government spokesperson, the state has helped buy nearly 2,500 such vehicles so far, and the network of electric charging stations is also steadily expanding, with nearly 600 installed by the end of the year with state support.

The spokesperson recalled that they also help the spread of electric buses: in the green bus program, I want every second bus to be environmentally friendly in local transport in large cities within ten years. The government is allocating HUF 36 billion for this program.

Máriusz Révész, the government commissioner responsible for active Hungary, said at the press conference: The HUF 1 billion budget will allow the purchase of more than 7,000 electrically-assisted bicycles. According to the government commissioner, the tender will help achieve environmental goals, a healthy lifestyle, increase the share of cycling and make Hungary one of the most livable countries by 2030.

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In three years, only electric buses will be available on public transport

András Domány
At home

László Palkovics may take over another important area, this time from Finance Minister Mihály Varga.

The government also provided 882 million HUF in subsidies for the purchase of electric cars.


The tender amount announced in the early summer was soon exceeded and the government has now provided additional funds for this purpose.