The current Executive Director of the MNB, Dániel Palotai, will represent the Central and Eastern European group on the Board of the International Monetary Fund.

Dániel Palotai, the current managing director and chief economist of Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), will be the first Hungarian to join the highest decision-making body of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as of November 1. Index. Palotai will represent the group of Central and Eastern European countries: Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus, Slovenia and Kosovo.

First of all, I consider it my task to effectively represent national interests and develop a more realistic, profound and positive image of Hungary.

He said Indexto.

He graduated from Palotai Economics in 2004 at Corvinus University in Budapest. Starting in 2010, he headed the macroeconomics department of the Ministry of National Economy. Between 2013 and 2020, he was Executive Director and Chief Economist of the MNB. He is also a member of the board of the Corvinus Foundation, for example.

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MNB Director: Euro still not good for Hungary


According to the chief executive of Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) responsible for monetary policy, Hungary is not yet ready to adopt the euro.

According to the Matolcsy man, there may be an update


This year, they can improve Hungary’s credit rating, said Dániel Palotai, Managing Director of Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), at a conference in Budapest.