The presence of an avian influenza virus has been identified in wild birds that also fly to Hungary.

Lajos Bognár, the national chief veterinarian, ordered the mandatory confinement of poultry with immediate effect, since the presence of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has been identified in several European countries in wild birds whose migration route also affects Hungary. said the National Office for Food Chain Safety (Nébih).

According to the report, the bird flu virus is mainly present in wild birds, but has also caused the disease in flocks of foreign-raised poultry in recent weeks.

The migratory routes of migratory wild birds affect the entire territory of Hungary, which is why the national chief veterinarian declared that the entire country was high risk in terms of risk of virus emergence.

Closed maintenance will apply to all flocks where the track is not protected from above and from the side by a bird net of adequate strength.

In addition, interested farmers and breeders are asked to act responsibly and fully comply with disease control standards.

Nébih stated that poultry should be fed and watered indoors, preferably on the side. Food should be stored in a closed and covered place. Garbage should preferably be stored indoors, in a closed place or covered with aluminum foil. Whenever possible, contact with birds and wild birds should be avoided.

The disease of the animals, or even the slightest suspicion of it, must be reported immediately to the veterinary service. Failure to do so by the holder will result in exclusion from state compensation, they noted.

National main veterinary decisions, minimum disease control conditions and other useful and up-to-date information, including the latest data on international spread, are available on the thematic sub-page created on the Nébih website.

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