There was no discussion on the rule of law or budget matters in a video conference of EU leaders. Viktor Orbán reiterated his position and the heads of government commissioned Angela Merkel to propose a solution that works for everyone.

Despite the fact that the epidemic and related measures are defined on a daily basis, that was not why the biggest expectation was a video conference of EU heads of state and government on Thursday night. The positions of the Hungarian and Polish governments on the blockade of the EU budget and the reconstruction fund have started a very serious dialogue across Europe, with numerous calls and warnings, but the positions have not converged. Due to the rule of law, Budapest and Warsaw are even willing to veto the package totaling 1.8 billion euros. The leaders of the member states began discussions on this issue and in a quarter of an hour they moved on to the next agenda, the coordination of epidemics.

All we have learned is that the budget issue has been summarized by Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the German Presidency. Then the Hungarian Prime Ministers, Viktor Orbán, and the Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, presented their positions and confirmed the possibility of a veto. Also from his party, but without mentioning the veto on his part, the Slovenian Prime Minister, Janez Jansa, also spoke. There was no discussion, the issue was closed due to the fact that, on the one hand, the videoconference was not adequate to discuss this issue and, on the other, the German Presidency was asked to find a solution.

Angela Merkel told a press conference in Berlin that

we have a duty to find a solution, it is a serious and important problem that needs to be solved, we are working hard on that.

Charles Michel spoke at a press conference that the agreement reached in July must be implemented as soon as possible and negotiations resume to find a solution that suits everyone.

The rule of law is supported by a large majority of Member States, but there are some that do not

Michel said, not once did he mention the names of Hungary, Poland or their leaders. He added that “no one underestimates the importance of the issue and the obstacles we face, but the implementation of the decisions taken in July, that is, the start of the recovery program, is key for people and businesses in Europe.”

Regarding the coordination of the coronavirus situation, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, said there is broad support among member states for better coordination of testing. It was also agreed that antigen testing and PCR testing should complement each other. In relation to vaccines, many leaders pointed out the logistical challenges, in this field we need to be better prepared for the transport and storage of vaccines. It was also stated that, according to the European Medicines Agency, the joint development of the companies Pfizer-Biontech and the Moderna vaccine could be authorized in the EU in the second half of December at the earliest, but no response was given on when the vaccine could be marketed. vaccine. The Heads of State and Government also agreed that joint communication efforts should be made to dispel any doubts that people may have about vaccines.

The leaders of the member states also spoke about the future lifting of the restrictions.

We need to learn from the past and be more careful when it comes to mitigation. We all want to celebrate the end of the year holidays, but safely

said Charles Michel. It also turned out that the summit will not discuss the Russian vaccine that Hungary wants to market and manufacture, if applicable, Von der Leyen said alone: ​​it is important that the development of the vaccines used is transparent. The eurologist learned from a Council official that Slovakia thanked Hungary and Austria for their defense support and that there was great interest in the massive tests in Slovakia and Ireland.

No decision was made to hold a separate summit on budget issues, the Hungarian-Polish veto. According to the current schedule, the heads of state and government will meet from December 10-11, but it is unclear whether it will be a video conference or a face-to-face meeting.

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