Gábor Kovács

Gábor Kovács

In its current form, the wealth declaration is a blow to the electorate’s face, but the people and the press are proud of it. Meanwhile, the paper-poor politician sails across the Adriatic without being disturbed. Opinion.

February 1 is the celebration of Hungarian democracy, even if we write democracy in parentheses, and by that we mean how strange the contemporary Hungarian political system is. Exactly what kind of regime this regime is, its political science decision is yet to come. Whatever it is, nothing in wealth political statements better embodies and illustrates its essence.

Not everyone has beautiful handwriting

Declarations of assets must be submitted by members of parliament, that is, together with members of the government, by the most powerful politicians in the country before January 31. The Immunity Committee released the documents “without delay” on February 1. Literally immediately, that is, around 0 a.m. M. At 1 p. M., Let’s not accidentally say 8 a.m. M., At noon or maybe at 2 p.m. M. No, but in the middle of the night. This is inconvenient, obviously mainly for the journalists who process the documents, the other citizens find out in the morning if the prime minister is still encrypted. But it has some poetry so that the statements appear like a thief at the end of a man’s garden: under the guise of the night.


The wealth declarations that have been in full swing in 2021, the 21st century, in the digital and information revolution

they are still completed with their own more or less legible cat lined on an A4 form.

Not to mention, digitization works because it is then scanned and made public, preferably in an even more unreadable form.

There is no unified and searchable database that allows for comparisons, analysis and prosecutions.

Anyone wondering if the prime minister was a coder before last year can retrieve last year’s scan and rescan the cat scratch.

There is no proof, if there is, you don’t need to try it.

If someone suspects that the prime minister is so coded that he even wrote the name of the “woman” on his pants, he says, he cannot call him a gentleman, he can maintain suspicion, since

even the property declarations of the closest relatives are not public, not to mention the buds who are “standing on their own two feet” but living in a separate home, who no longer have to make a declaration.

And if someone suspects that the prime minister is just a code on paper, in fact, who knows what he has, he can also remain under suspicion. Even if the prime minister is on a private jet to watch a game, the minister is on a yacht blowing the Adriatic foam and it doesn’t appear to be what it is. The statements are not verified by an authority or a state body. The proceedings can be initiated before the immunity committee, which the official president can reject without problems if they are “manifestly unfounded.”

If you don’t rule it out, the representative must provide supporting information. Unauthentic documents, invoices, receipts. But data.

So if you may not be able to justify paper and reality with data, and the pro-government majority committee finds you, they will initiate a conflict of interest declaration. Of course, a justifying circumstance, if he inadvertently reported falsehood, why not make a politician who disposes of all the public property of the country wrong about how much money he bought exactly for one square meter of luxury housing?

The opposition opposes, but does not do otherwise

The declaration of wealth in its current form is an insult to the country, a blow to the face of the electorate. Furthermore, due to the laughter on his face, his mere existence, all great politics would deserve a full flourish.

The opposition from time to time makes a reform motion, and that’s it. Note:

Although most do not include the motion on the agenda, it could be done correctly on its own initiative.

So I would foolishly paint the hand-drawn toilet paper in the hands of Fidesz MPs if the opposition coalition filled out a comprehensive and searchable database backed by monthly rental documents and the sale and purchase of the apartment and the car.

Why would they fight?

But let’s not be unfair, why Ferenc Gyurcsány and András Fekete-Győr put their bank statement on the Internet once it is not necessary?

Journalists also bite scratching cats every year at two in the morning. The pro-government voter is content to sit down with the morning croissant that he still has more money in his checking account than the prime minister (even though the blessed good man is working to death for the country!).

Not only does the friend not come out, but the ruckus does not spread through the crowd to save the comedy for them now, better have a dazzling replay of Dallas (on the morning of February 1, Season 5, Part 5 is Current) . Obviously, it’s not bad to take a look at the Texas oil contractors (Bobby and Jockey’s supposed cousin Jamie appears), but it’s more exciting what the national powers are crushing in the Adriatic. It’s more exciting than that They are lying You are wrong. If the newspaper didn’t write it, there would be nothing to read, but the newspaper makes a living from being read.

To get the process off the ground, there will be enough fuel paper from the politician, who he will be happy to hand over, and then he will gladly watch the press and voters operate his system. The private jet also needs fuel, and as long as people stay on paper, kerosene can flow.

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