According to Michael Roth, the goal is for the European Union to adopt a package to repair the damage caused by the coronavirus epidemic as soon as possible.

Hungary and Poland must stop vetoing a key adoption of the European Union’s seven-year budget and a package of around 1.8 billion euros for a fund to repair the damage caused by the coronavirus, Minister Michael Roth said on Tuesday. of State of Germany for the presidency of the EU.

On Monday, Viktor Orbán informed German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, and Charles Michel, president of the European Council, that the Hungarian government was blocking the two pieces of legislation.

The Minister for European Union Affairs stated that it was no longer a time for vetoes, but rather to act in a spirit of speed and solidarity. As it was told:

Citizens of all member states expect support. There is no excuse for any further delays, so I ask everyone in the European Union to live up to their responsibilities.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas expressed confidence that a solution could be found to block Hungary and Poland. He announced that in the coming hours and days, Germany will hold talks with all interested parties to find a solution. “We not only need a solution, but a quick solution. I am sure it will work,” Maas said, then added that “it would not be smart of him” to say what he really thinks of the decision by Hungary and Poland.

In Vienna, the Austrian Chancellor of the European Union and Constitutional Affairs, Karoline Edtstadler, said in a statement in Vienna that she could not understand the veto that the two member states had exercised on the vote on the financial package and the EU budget. He stressed that this is not the time to express “national sensitivity.”

In his opinion, the two countries will not be able to maintain their position for long at a time of intensification of the epidemic and emergency measures affecting the economy.

The European Council and the European Parliament agreed two weeks ago that the rule of law could be linked to EU payments and that sanctions could be applied more widely than Member States had originally envisioned. A total of 1.8 billion euros in grants and, to a lesser extent, the launch of a loan are at stake, while Hungary and Poland refuse to make payments subject to the rule of law.

The issue came up at a meeting of EU ambassadors in Brussels on Monday, Justice Minister Judit Varga wrote about the Hungarian veto this morning and briefcase Zoltán Kovács, a government spokesman, also confirmed his news in this regard. Reutersto.

At the meeting on Monday afternoon, ambassadors from EU member states accredited to the EU voted by three votes on the EU budget and the related rule of law mechanism. Access to EU funds and respect for the rule of law were voted by a qualified majority, EUrologus knows, and here the governments of Hungary and Poland voted against.

According to the German Presidency, two Member States expressed reservations about the seven-year budget, not about the budget as a whole, but only about one of its elements (apparently the rule of law mechanism), thus blocking decision-making.

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After Orbán, the Polish Prime Minister also announced his willingness to veto the EU budget

Due to the rule of law mechanism, Mateusz Morawiecki threatens to veto an official letter, as Viktor Orbán did a few days before.

Hungarian government vetoes EU budget

The government will also not vote for the necessary regulation for the coronavirus epidemic recovery fund.