The Hungarian Nation published as proof the refusal of Antal Rogán’s third wife to buy a thousand hectares of land, which proves that there was an intention to purchase, only the government office intervened, it is not known when.

After the government press had been trying for days to believe that Antal Rogán’s wife and family did not buy any land, another article appeared in the Magyar Nemzet on the subject of land acquisition. According to the newspaper, the government office refused to register the land purchase contract, so it did not enter into force, and according to them, this proves that no land purchases have been made.

However, this actually only provided more evidence that Barbara Rogán and her family members were trying to buy the land.

The decision of the government office does not show the dates, that is, it does not reveal exactly when the government office crossed the land purchase. But we wrote on Friday that, according to our information, the secretary of the settlements involved in the purchase of the land forwarded the sales contract to the government office on February 10. However, the purchase of the land by Rogán’s wife was already written by the press on February 2, including, that is, the government office could only proceed after that.

You can read our article on Friday here, in which we explain why it is special, since Antal Rogán argues that the newspapers did not write the truth because the purchase of the land did not materialize in the end:

Rogán denies the purchase of land by his wife and family with a peculiar argument

After ten days of silence, the Prime Minister’s chief of staff is trying to discredit articles about the purchase of land by his wife and family, citing that the deal is still open. The parents of Antal Rogán and Barbara Obrusánszki, attacking the verbs of the past, also suggest that they have given up buying the land, but this is not the case according to our information: the documentation of the sale is already pending assessment at the government office.

On Friday, Antal Rogán said that “My wife did not receive a loan from a state bank and no land came into her possession. Also, he doesn’t want to be a landowner in the future. ” From this, it appeared that Barbara Obrusansky and her family had backed down, compared to Saturday’s argument that the government office had already prevented the attempted land purchase. Why it is not clear from the document published by the Hungarian Nation. The Hungarian-American owner who sold the land also learned yesterday that his contract with Ms. Rogán’s family, concluded on November 20, was valid.

Before Antal Rogán’s third wedding, according to a sales contract, he would have bought a piece of land in northeast Hungary on November 20, 2020 for a large amount, according to the document that the Budapest state bank loaned him.

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According to the people of Dédestapolcsány, neither their previous financial situation nor their way of life so far really explains the sudden increase that the family of Antal Rogán’s new wife has experienced in the last year. The minister’s new farmer’s wife, as well as his father-in-law and mother-in-law, will soon be able to farm more than a thousand acres around the city. The land was bought from acquaintances who, although they had been for sale for several years, moved away for a month just a month before the propaganda minister became part of the family. Land can do very well even if it is not cultivated, and even more money can be taken from it in a few years.