According to Monday’s announcement from the Dover Port Authority, the restriction imposed on the French side is expected to last up to 48 hours.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus mostly ranged from 50 to 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

Vehicle traffic to France was halted on Monday at the port of Dover, in the southeast of England, because freight traffic on the French side is not being accepted due to the rapid spread of a new version of the coronavirus that has appeared in Britain. The Dover Port Authority said Monday morning that neither passengers nor trucks would be allowed to leave Britain from the ferry terminals until further notice.

This applies to vehicles that would be used by people (drivers, travel staff, passengers) to cross France. The crossing of unmanned freight trains is still authorized by the French authorities.

According to Monday’s announcement from the Dover Port Authority, the restriction imposed on the French side is expected to last up to 48 hours. Turnover from France to the UK is not affected by the measure.

Dover and Calais, opposite, are the two busiest international seaports in the world; During the peak Christmas loading period, an average of 10,000 trucks pass between the two docks a day.

Ian Wright, executive director of the British Food and Drink Federation (FDF), said in a statement Monday that the suspension of freight traffic crossing between Dover and Calais could cause a serious disruption to fresh food supplies and exports. British food and drink before Christmas. According to Wright

There is a risk that truck drivers traveling from the mainland to a UK destination are also unwilling to cross if they have to fear that they will not be able to return.

The head of the FDF asked the British government to urge France to lift the restriction as a matter of urgency. The British Retail Association (BRC) calls for the same. However, the latter organization said the restriction would not cause an immediate shortage of goods in the UK, as retailers had already restocked their warehouses as Christmas approached.

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus variant in England, several European countries (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, the Baltic States), as well as Turkey, Israel, Kuwait , Canada and El Salvador. It has also announced a longer or shorter suspension of direct flights from Great Britain. The Netherlands also does not accept ferries from Great Britain.

Eurotunnel, the operator of a rail tunnel under the English Channel, closed its terminal at Folkestone in southeastern England on Sunday night from traffic to Calais, although it is still possible to cross the railroad from Great Britain to Great Britain.

The infectivity of the new coronavirus variant, which spreads mainly in London and south-east England, has been shown to be up to 70% higher than previously identified variants.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said at a news conference Saturday night. According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Sunday, the most contagious strain of virus was identified as early as September in south-east England, and the same pathogen appeared in nine cases in Denmark and the Netherlands, Italy and Australia.

Maria Van Kerkhove, Head of the WHO Technical Group on Covid-19, British BBC He told the media that research is already underway to explore the properties of the new strain of the virus.

The longer an epidemic lasts, the more opportunities the virus has to change. Therefore, we must do everything possible to prevent the spread of infection immediately, because in this way we can reduce the chances of the pathogen changing.

Said the specialist. The WHO asked European countries on Sunday afternoon to tighten their measures against the spread of the epidemic.

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Virologists: Caution Understandable Due to Mutated British Coronavirus

As long as we cannot rule out that a rapidly spreading mutation will not affect treatment options or even the effectiveness of vaccines that will arrive in the coming weeks, it is understandable caution, the Pécs virologists write on their Facebook page.

British planes can still reach Hungary, but not eight EU countries
At home

More and more European countries are banning planes in the UK after a more contagious strain of coronavirus spreads in the island nation, which they cannot control for now.