The opposition parties present a joint motion for a resolution. They call for massive testing, a 100 percent salary supplement on health care, and immediate support for the unemployed.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections a day had been identified and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

The opposition parties (DK, Jobbik, LMP, MSZP and Dialogue) will present a joint 11-point motion for a resolution to parliament, they announced at a press conference in Kossuth Square on Monday.

The proposal asks the government to take the following measures:

  • Allow all Hungarian citizens to test themselves for free, create the financial and technical conditions for free mass testing;
  • Appropriate virus testing should be performed at least every two weeks for all healthcare workers, educators and social workers, as well as for all patients admitted to hospital and residents of social institutions (this will be done based on the Orbán announcement – details here)
  • Create the conditions for immediate and effective contact investigation and ensure immediate and rapid testing of contacts;
  • Health professionals must receive a 100 percent salary supplement.
  • During the epidemic period, all those infected should have access to free medical care, regardless of their affiliation with the insured.
  • Ensure that workers who remain at home for the duration of their illness due to symptoms of coronavirus infection are not financially disadvantaged by labor and social security regulations
  • Support the use of home work in workplaces where possible, develop a regulatory framework for home work, ensure that employers provide employees with the right tools, and contribute to the cost and overhead of working from home, covered by a central budget for small – and medium-sized companies;
  • Ensuring that immediate direct benefits are paid to workers who have lost their jobs and increasing the duration of unemployment benefits;
  • Relaunch the state program to support part-time employment under more favorable conditions than before, and provide direct support to micro, small and medium-sized companies in crisis due to the epidemic, regardless of the sector.
  • Provide immediate financial support to families with children and retirees due to the increased burden of life.
  • Withdraw deductions for local governments and provide additional state support to meet the increased responsibilities of local authorities.

At the press conference, DK’s László Varju was asked why Momentum was not there for the announcement. Varju said they had a chance to join. He also added that currently the participating parties have the opportunity to present the decision and the Momentum is not a parliamentary party.

Tamás Harangozó of the MSZP explained why a bill is not presented. He said that since the opposition parties will vote to extend the emergency, they will make a proposal that the government is expected to implement.

According to Bell, the purpose of the motions for resolutions is to set tasks for the government on behalf of Parliament.

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