According to the outgoing US ambassador, relations between Hungary and the United States are now much better.

David Cornstein, the outgoing US ambassador to Hungary, gave an interview to Népszava. The diplomat announced in early September that he would finish his work here and had already informed the President of the United States, Donald Trump, of his decision.

On this occasion, the newspaper now asked him, among other things, what results he was leaving behind. Cornstein said that before his arrival, the relationship between the United States and Hungary was almost hostile, “with which he did not fully agree and, of course, President Trump.”

We wanted to change this because it is very difficult to achieve something if we cannot dialogue, respect each other. Now that I am leaving the country soon, I am pleased to say that the situation is much better than when I arrived here.

The ambassador told the newspaper.

The diplomat said he felt horrible because the Central European University (CEU) had decided to go to Vienna. “It was sad for the city, the university, the students, the faculty, and I would still do anything today if I could do it again. I do not know to what extent the failure was David Cornstein, because in the process the board of directors of the university and the Hungarian government participated, we tried to push the agreement on our part, but unfortunately we did not succeed. As in business, a person has goals, dreams as an ambassador, but he has to bear in mind that later some of his dreams will be regretted. It is a pity, therefore, but what I have tried to achieve during my limited time in my business career and in diplomacy is that there should be more gains than losses. I think it worked.

According to Cornstein, there are still areas where he wants to see change, such as loosening his dependence on Russian energy. “With the opening of the port on the island of Krk, liquefied natural gas (LNG) can start in Hungary, which could replace 10 to 15 percent of the volume received from Russia so far. This will be an improvement over the current situation, but more steps will be needed. I would also like the situation with Ukraine to improve a little so that they can work with NATO more easily. This has not yet been achieved, even though there is new leadership in Ukraine. I think it would be better for both countries if they could agree and I hope they do. “

The diplomat believed that it was necessary to develop the Hungarian Air Force, the two most suitable fighter jets being the current top model, the F-35 and the modernized F-16. “I hope they pick one of these, and yes, I’d be a bit disappointed if I didn’t do that.”

Cornstein also said that he was not satisfied with the current state of journalism and that the issue of freedom of the press was very close.

Unfortunately, I think also in Hungary, but in the United States, in any case, the press has become so polarized that an independent point of view is lacking, although it would benefit all countries. Constructive criticism is very important, but criticism alone is not healthy without explaining the other party’s point of view ”.

The newspaper also asked Cornstein about Russian affairs, who replied that the Hungarians know Russia, the Hungarian government also knows who are allies of the Russians. “Anyway, we also have relations with Russia or China and, at least as far as the Trump administration is concerned, we know who we are dealing with. It is not necessary for the United States to tell the Hungarians who the Russians are. (…) You have to be pragmatic, you have to recognize that Russia exists. It is close and carries energy, but I think that the hearts and minds of Hungarians are turning to the West.

Cornstein sent a message to his still unknown successor that “the situation is much better now than when I came here”, “good defense cooperation, we are also acting together at the United Nations, in the Middle East, in support of Israel.”

A few weeks ago, I delivered my resignation letter to the president in the Oval Office, who once said during the conversation that we would call Victor. Turns out it was in her kitchen. Such things do not happen simply between the leaders of the states.

Said the diplomat.

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