The Internet retail company has been warned in the past about the monopoly practice.

On suspicion of a monopoly, Alibaba has launched an investigation against the Chinese market surveillance of the Chinese Internet retail company, the Chinese state news agency Xinhua reported.

Market surveillance has previously warned Alibaba to force merchants to enter into an exclusive cooperation agreement not to sell their products through competing platforms.

The news of the investigation is another tough move against Alibaba after its subsidiary Ant Group’s shares were suspended last month on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges, just two days before the public listing of Alibaba began. the values.

Ant Group, owner of the world’s largest online and mobile payment platform Alipay, launched its primary share issuance (IPO) process in July, which would have resulted in a simultaneous listing on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges. Kong and on the Shanghai Electronic Stock Exchange for Technology Companies. , in Star Market. The company raised $ 37 billion (nearly $ 11 billion) during the stock subscription period, making it the largest IPO in history.

The People’s Bank of China said in a statement Thursday that financial supervisors will meet with Ant Group in the coming days to persuade the company to implement measures to ensure financial review, fair competition, and consumer rights and interests. .

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In half an hour, Alibaba broke all records on singles day

Converted to HUF, Alibaba’s turnover was 17,000 billionaires in promotions timed before singles day and in the first half hour of the day.

Alibaba founder Jack Ma is no longer the richest Chinese

Zhong Shanshan, who cracked down on Alibaba founder Jack Mat and became the richest Chinese, also travels on mineral water and vaccines.

25 thousand