Only a quarter of the Economic Protection Fund was earmarked for economic protection purposes; the Russian vaccine can reach Hungary; Joe Biden went to work. This is’s weekly economic protection summary.

So far, the government has allocated HUF 3,628,000 million from the Economic Protection Fund. We collected money for everything and found that, very strictly, 409, with a slightly more permissive calculation, was the amount that was actually going to crisis management. It went out of the box for the renovation of the Buda Castle, the construction of the stadium, a new school in Felcsút, but there was a ministry that also paid salaries to its own employees.

In any case, the government’s worst forecast came in 2020, with a budget deficit of 9 percent, or 5.548 billion HUF. This was a large part of the December distribution, with a deficit of HUF 2.25 billion in that single month.

OGYÉI has granted a provisional authorization for the coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, as well as the Russian vaccine Sputnik V. A day later, Péter Szijjártó reported that a contract had been signed with the Russian team, and Hungary would buy to Sputnik in three stages.

It also turned out that the Hungarian authority had issued an authorization for the Oxford vaccine without examining the vaccine. The UK authority has tested the product, which it deemed safe and effective, so no further testing was needed, they write.

Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States. In some of its steps, change is already visible, such as making the country return to the Paris Climate Agreement, making the use of masks mandatory in all U.S.-owned buildings and territories, and issuing instructions to continue the program to protect children who have entered the country illegally and the word climate change has reappeared on its website. The EU also has high hopes for Biden’s arrival, but it cannot and should not be overruled that under Trump’s presidency, EU leaders have greatly reduced their dependence on the United States.

As for Donald Trump, the former president can now think of what he will make a living after that. Presidential pensions and real estate investing do not generate bad income either, but that may suddenly seem like little when we add that Trump could incur debt of up to a billion dollars in the next few years. It is true that since the impeachment process did not take place until the last day of his term, at least the benefits owed to the former presidents cannot be taken away from him.

Image of the week: only 200 meters of road were tendered for its renovation in Nemespátron, but only for 140 gave money to the government

There is a problem in the Hungarian car factories. The Mercedes plant will close for ten days due to parts shortages, and Audi will only be on a shift for two weeks due to a stagnant supply of parts. We also contacted the Suzuki factory in Esztergom, and they replied that they felt the problem, but had not had an outage yet.

The root cause of the problems is that due to the epidemic, automakers started ordering far fewer chips last year, and chipmakers have seen fast that if many more people stay home, it will be worth it. switch production to laptops, smartphones, etc. and other consumer electronics to make product chips. Because of this, there was not enough capacity left for the cars when it became clear in late 2020: Despite the crisis, many people still wanted a new car.

According to statistics, after ten years of so-called family-friendly governance, it is still worth more economically to be single than to have a child, we calculate. From 2010 to 2019, per capita income increased by 77% in households with children, while in households without children it increased by only 61%. In other words, although the scissors are closing, the surplus income of childless households was 600,000 HUF annually even in 2019.


Income increased the most, by 94 percent, in households with two adults plus 3 or more children. However, as the core element of the family support system is the family tax credit, single-adult households raising one or more children are lagging behind, with an increase in income of only 46%.

“Irresponsible and unfounded news of terror,” the Government Information Center responded to the fact that the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association took on the Pentecostal openness in a letter that had since been withdrawn and sent to its partners. The Hungarian Tourism Agency also called this a nightmare, although the organization’s executive director even said in his launcher on January 11 that “tourism can be relaunched in the summer as expected.”

But not only Zoltán Guller spoke about a possible summer opening, Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, also mentioned a similar one in Government Info on January 14. The truth is that there really is no legislation on Pentecostal closure at the moment, the stricter rules that exist now are valid until February 1. Viktor Orbán, for his part, said in a radio interview on Friday that they could not lift the restrictions until there was a mass vaccination. The prime minister has also promised that until parliament meets in mid-February, the state of emergency will be extended for two weeks under his own authority, which in turn could be unconstitutional.


The parties are close to reaching an agreement, and the minimum wage is likely to rise 4 percent this year. László Kordás, president of the Hungarian Trade Union Confederation, said to our question that they stuck to the 5 percent increase throughout the trial, just as the bosses insisted on the 4 percent increase. “The government did not say anything again,” he added.

This means that the minimum wage can be HUF 167,400 instead of 161 thousand gross, and the guaranteed minimum wage can be 219 thousand. The Hungarian Trade Union League and Confederation of Trade Unions had until Monday to decide whether they were willing to sign it.

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This is the campaign: Orbán doesn't even notice the appearance of budgetary discipline

Zoltán Farkas

The income tax exemption for those under the age of 25 can be interpreted primarily as vote buying, it does not do much to improve the situation in the labor market. But what are we going to do with the 13-month pension and the promotion of rural development?

Up to a quarter of the money earmarked for economic protection could go to crisis management

Ivan Stoychev

The government has spent HUF 3.628 trillion on economic protection so far, at least from members of the government who have heard many times that so much money has gone out of the budget allocated to remedy the negative consequences of the coronavirus epidemic. However, our summary shows a sadder picture.