The Hungarian and Polish Prime Ministers promise to fight together for the EU budget and the rule of law; While a record number of victims of the epidemic sets a record, the government retries the purchase schedule; Tens of thousands of homeowners could lose promised aid to the sector. This is’s weekly economic summary.

“The next few months will be fighting together again, in a way that is not unheard of in history.” This was stated by Viktor Orbán in a press conference with the Polish prime minister on Thursday, which means that there does not seem to be much chance for a quick resolution of the debate on the blocking of the EU budget. At the same time, Mateusz Morawiecki had already imagined the disintegration of the EU. And we compiled it on the basis of data from the European Commission: Hungary would receive HUF 14 billion in support from the EU if Orbán did not block the deal.


However, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Tuesday that an agreement will be reached with the Poles and Hungarians in a few days and that obstacles will be removed. However, the major political groups in the European Parliament have confirmed that they have no intention of changing the proposal. And Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, said that anyone who has a problem with a new regulation can seek justice before the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Something is needed to slow the spread of the epidemic, and the number of deaths from coronavirus again broke records this week; in fact, 1,549 more people died in October than the previous year, with only 1,038 officially killed that month. the epidemic, that is, something else could be wrong. Viktor Orbán also announced that the time zone reserved for the elderly will come in grocery stores, drug stores and pharmacies, those under 65 years of age from 9 to 11 am, on weekends from 8 to 10 am, those under 65 years of age will not be able to go shopping, The Council of Elders asked the Prime Minister to do it, where they probably did not have a tough discussion with Orbán, because he is the president of the organization (and Katalin Novák is its vice president). There will be no time zone everywhere, but at the post office, seniors will be released in the first hour after opening.

Mihály Varga also promised a big announcement of economic protection, but when he gave the details a day later, the one who expected a big bang had to be disappointed: one of the six proposals to speed up the administration and the payment was announced by the government in the spring , and five had time. with the development of digitization regardless of the epidemic.

This was not the first time that the government provided decorative packaging to advertisements that were not really significant; we have compiled several examples of this. And there was an article in the HVG about the elusive promises made by members of the government to save the economy. When detailed rules also appear, it often turns out that not half of the promises were true.

After spectacular promises, an example of less help is what has happened with tourism. Even when the hotels closed on November 10, it was announced that 80 percent of the lost property tax revenue would be reimbursed by the state. However, the detailed rules show that reservations registered with the National Tourist Information Center (NTAK) until November 8 are taken into account, and smaller private accommodation providers do not usually register their guests’ details on this platform. .

Therefore, tens of thousands of homeowners are excluded from state compensation. We contacted the NTAK operator, the travel agency, to find out if they would initiate an amendment to the government decree so that smaller accommodation providers wouldn’t go wrong either. Although we did not receive a response, we have learned from other sources that the agency has received a large number of inquiries from private owners on this matter, so they are currently “working with attorneys” to clarify the regulations.

Image of the week: not only the early closing, but also the time zones should be warned in stores.


After the spring closings, summer relaxation and further tightening in September, masses of companies will have to adjust to the new rules for the fourth time in a few months. By sector, we have analyzed how we have managed to overcome the time that has elapsed since March and what to expect after that, and we have concluded that the restrictions do not really do much damage. There are exceptions to this, the tourism situation is terrible, the organization of events has also been badly hit, but in the service sector, for example, companies that have endured the loss of income in the spring need not be afraid closing at 7 pm

The big threat may not be a government decree, but rather running out of money from potential buyers. However, the longer the crisis lasts, the less free income people will have. And it turned out this week: in September and October, a total of 63,000 Hungarians lost their jobs.

It may be mandatory to redeem beverage containers in Hungary from July 2023; the government has presented a bill in this regard. The motion, which has been postponed for two years, does not provide for bottle recycling, but there will be a redemption fee in lieu of a deposit, and anyone who agrees to trade metal, plastic, and glass bottles can be exempted from the fee. environmental product.

In the United States, meanwhile, a Hungarian-born billionaire, Tom Szaky, is leading the biggest billionaires on a greener journey with his refillable packaging. You told about the deposit fee based Loop system, it really depends on three things if people accept it: if it is simple, cheap and see additional benefits in it.

Tom szaky


Currently, Hungarian pastry chefs are presented with regulations that make it impossible for someone to bake at home for commercial purposes. In Hungary, food safety rules are very strict, it is practically impossible for someone to bake for sale in the apartment where they already live a lifestyle.

According to Nébih, this is the only way to offer safe food to customers. However, amateur pastry chefs say that this will only lead to blackening.

Zsolt Semjén and László Palkovics presented a bill, according to which the electronic sale of tickets for all majority-owned state and municipal bus, rail, and shipping companies, including BKK, will be operated by the only winning service provider. Antal Rogán’s office. tender issued by the Commission.

But the BKK leaders cannot only deal with the distant future: the government office found that the government’s decision to increase the number of flights due to the epidemic had not been implemented in Budapest. BKK said in response that they were condensed, and while only 9 percent of the 300 lines had more flights, they were only the most important trunk lines. A denser service could be provided if the capital immediately obtained new vehicles and also received money to operate, they wrote.


Mayor Gergely Karácsony ordered the revision of the M3 metro renovation in January. The report has now been completed, stating that Russian triple line trains “are not refurbished versions of exported subway cars,” the evaluation criteria system “did not fully serve to force bidders to offer the best technical content. “.

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