The government promised corporate credit and partial reopening; bad figures are coming on the state of the economy at the end of 2020; the hosts are increasingly tense. This is’s weekly economic summary.

The economic recession in 2020 will be less severe than expected, “it will be closer to five than six,” said Viktor Orbán at the inauguration of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who also spoke about the government’s agreement for the next ten years. .with one chamber. You already expect double-digit growth for the second quarter of this year, which, of course, is also helped by the fact that last year was a terrible quarter. Orbán announced a national consultation on the reopening one day before the partial reopening announced in government information in March.


The most important message from the evaluator of the year was that the government helps companies with an interest-free loan of 10 million guilders, and borrowers are exempt from repayment for three years. This can help smaller businesses and sole proprietors in particular, and may be suitable for extending the credit default.

Although we will not know if the fall in GDP will be closer to 5 or 6 percent, we will only know in a week and a half, this week the CSO announced some rather bad data on the end of 2020. Although the industry grew 1.1 percent percent in December compared to the end of 2019, production also fell from October to November and from November to December, and overall industry performance decreased by 6.1 percent compared to 2019. Retail sales fell by 4 percent in December, 0.2 percent less for the whole year.

Although there were a surprisingly good number of people entering the job market last week, it has now been found that the proportion of those who worked less than 30 hours a week increased in December, with a third of those employed in one of the low hours. . categories. Although those who retired at the end of the year are also counted here, there is a total surplus of more than 400,000 people in the low-hour groups compared to the end of 2019.

“Jobs in restaurants, hotels and tourism have been lost and are being lost en masse. Many people leave the field forever and those who have not closed are on the verge of bankruptcy ”, the Hungarian Gastronomic Association presented its 13-point package. Tamás B. Molnár, president of the association, spoke of our “situation of absolute catastrophe” to his question, according to him, after the epidemic, half of the restaurants could open. The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry has also presented its own package of proposals.

In relation to this, in the government information on Friday, Gergely Gulyás announced that between February 1 and May 31, restaurants, cafes and gyms will not have to pay rent for state or municipal properties.

The decree, which the government promised last week, has been issued: From now on, owners of lodging establishments, lodging establishments and some other types of businesses will receive the wage subsidy not in arrears, but as an advance of subsidy. The question is not too late: Mayor Péter Niedermüller from Erzsébetváros has already calculated that 40 percent of the places in the party district must have been destroyed. The week also saw the news that the salary subsidy assigned to the Megyeri Inn was immediately withdrawn by NAV because they were late in paying contributions during the epidemic; Another issue is that the tax office could not do anything else, the law stipulates it.

Picture of the Week: Reopening Catering Protesters

Roughly, governments talked about fair distribution until coronavirus vaccines were on the market. The EU and the UK have already fallen for each other, and it doesn’t help that despite a single EU vaccine supply, member states can do business for themselves.

Vaccine nationalism is getting stronger, although there are many logistical problems, the vaccination rate in the EU is barely 2 percent (we maintain 3 percent in Hungary). According to Bloomberg experts, until they dare to risk opening up, the EU will lose € 50 billion a month.

The best possible man for the worst possible job: Bloomberg commented that Mario Draghi had been given the mandate to form a government in Italy. After the collapse of the Italian ruling coalition, Draghi is expected to pull his country’s economy out of the deep well after bailing out the euro.

Mario draghi


The former president of the European Central Bank is cited as one of the best central bankers in the world for first restoring confidence in the eurozone in 2010 and then putting the economy on a growth path. At home, it could be a much more difficult task: the corona virus crisis has only brought to the surface the systemic problems of the Italian economy that have existed for much longer.

Overbought last year from the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Foreign Affairs fan; only a fraction of the more than 16,000 machines are used. It used to be suggested that the surplus would be sold abroad, but Transparency International Hungary has now requested the data – the Environment Ministry has not sold any fans.

It also turned out that the ministry bought favipiravir tablets for HUF 11.76 billion. Therefore 4.8 million tablets for this quantity arrived in Hungary.

The MEPs submitted their asset declarations for 2020. It turned out, for example, that if they were right, Viktor Orbán didn’t have to save a penny, Péter Szijjártó did not point out luxury sailing among his gifts, Fidesz representative János Halász bought a car more expensive than her annual salary, and Judit Varga bought a loan of 8192 million HUF for the purchase of real estate in vain, she only owes 99 million HUF.

Under normal circumstances, the fact that Antal Rogán has remarried could be included at most in the tabloid news. However, it is already economic news that his new wife, along with his family and two other people, cut the purchase of a plot of 1.6 billion HUF (5 percent self-employed) a few weeks before the wedding, and His new father-in-law bought a company that made billions from the EU in 2019.

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