Péter Szijjártó tried to explain why it is not a public matter for one of the richest Hungarian businessmen to be on his yacht, and then it turned out that he threatened the central office with firing her; new epidemiological adjustments have been announced; the government expects a much larger budget deficit than before. This is hvg.hu’s weekly economic summary.

The delivery of a section of Route 471 would not normally be the event that moves a journalist to his heart, but now we had reason to pay attention: this is where Peter Szijjártó first appeared in public after being photographed hardly Strap. László is on vacation in the Adriatic on his luxury yacht. Instead of an actual explanation, however, the Commonwealth and Foreign Minister spoke about what happened as part of his private life. And when faced with the fact that it was no longer a question of privacy, what a minister pays for vacations and how he gets on the yacht of a businessman enriched with public money, he simply repeated: he thought it was a private matter.

Népszava discovered that the private plane Bombardier Global 600, which landed at Split airport shortly before the yacht set sail with Szijjártó, had been traveling continuously for the past weeks in Budapest and in popular resorts in Croatia, Cyprus and Spain, as well. as in between the French Riviera.

But Szijjártó did not quite make the news this week. At the ambassadors meeting, he revealed that in the spring, when a significant part of the country was working from home due to the epidemic, he threatened to fire foreign workers who dare to ask for a home office. “We have not played unionism in the State Department until now, and we will not,” he said. Instead, we also got an example of the quality of work done in the epidemiology ward – it turned out that Hungary had the worst offers on ventilators in the entire EU.

Daily rates of coronavirus infection have risen to higher levels than ever since the epidemic began; of course this has to do with more testing than before. Several members of the government and Fidesz have been quarantined, most of them probably after the Garden Party of the Center for Fundamental Rights, so they will probably quickly try to forget that Viktor Orbán said a few weeks ago that the country’s intelligence level will determine the success of the epidemic.

It is true that the number of deaths remained low. (Plus, this week the CSO also released all the demographics for July, and the trend continues: far fewer Hungarians died this year than last year.) The government has announced an additional epidemiological tightening. As of September 1, a foreign citizen can enter the territory of Hungary only in justified exceptional cases, while Hungarian citizens returning from abroad must be quarantined for 14 days, unless confirmed by a PCR test in Hungary and are not infected. However, no exit restrictions are planned and no further internal tightening is expected at this time.


A great international event, the final of the European Super Cup, will have a good chance in front of the spectators in Budapest. The game will be played at the Puskás Arena, but the biggest news was not about the installation: the stadium, which was delivered last fall, has now slipped due to construction defects, despite its price of 190,000 million HUF. The operator of the National Sports Centers first denied that a stone block had fallen from the building, but the 444 presented the image with the human-sized piece of stone torn there.

If someone had not had enough of the stadiums, they could be very happy: this week it turned out that the athletic arena could be built much cheaper than Puskás, only 150 billion guilders. Of course, if we believe that it will not be even more expensive on the go. The state client invited the public procurement to the public procurement of ZÁÉV and Magyar Építő, which can be linked to Lészinc Mészáros, they also made the Puskás Arena, and together with them the Strabag, but the ZÁÉV-Magyar Építő duo won. At least they know who they will be working with, as their subcontractors include many other butcher companies.

Image of the week: Marabu’s cartoon about Orbán’s vacation

After it was recently revealed that the Hungarian economy performed much worse than expected in the second quarter, the government began to recalculate its plans. The Finance Ministry estimates that the economic slowdown and tax cuts will reduce annual general government revenue by more than HUF 1.4 billion. That is why new measures called economic protection are expected, but, as we were used to in spring, the only thing that has been said so far is that there will be measures, what they are like, nothing has yet been said about them.

Magyar Nemzeti Bank held an interest rate decision meeting, but did not change the record base rate. The markets are not very happy with what is happening in the Hungarian economy: the forint is slowly but steadily weakening. Earlier in the week, the exchange rate started to fall around the 348 guilder / euro level, reaching a low of 356.

Learn more in the deleted Facebook posts about who can get it right with the government-announced stock gigs. It turned out, for example, that one of the important players will be the Lounge Group, which is Gyula Balásy’s group of companies, which has won several 10 billion government orders.


A more complicated step is the task of the Visual Europe Group, which has more than 15 years of experience in the operation of fixed spaces for events, planning and conducting individual events. For a time, the company included István Garancsi, one of NER’s mercenaries through the Garangold Venture Capital Fund, and Zsolt Mol, the co-owner, is currently a co-owner through various corporate references.

The two major American parties have held their candidate rallies, which traditionally mark the beginning of a really acute part of the presidential campaign. Data analysts estimate that Donald Trump has about a 30 percent chance of reelection as of now, which is exactly the same as his chances of winning in 2016, according to an analysis released on Election Day. But while there was talk at the time that Trump was within the statistical margin of error in many states, this year he had a 30 percent chance due to his enormous disadvantage, but also the uncertainty of what will happen until the 3 of November in the US


If we list it as a pandemic, an economy that collapses and then perhaps slowly regenerates, racist police excesses, we are all on an issue that could decide a separate presidential election, but now Americans have them all at once.

The Capital Public Space Maintainer Nonprofit Zrt. This year she also announced a fundraising campaign for alternative schools: they got bored, unnecessary school supplies and textbooks were collected and handed out at a nominal price. In addition to the capital company, civilians, such as the Reform Association, also made a call: they are waiting for used and already boring school supplies to give them to those in need. “The bags are over,” said Margit Smudláné Fazekas, director of the association.

This has not changed due to the fact that due to the epidemic, it is uncertain whether education will go digital again during the school year. This year, families plan to spend an average of HUF 33,560 per child starting school. Last year, this amount was between 15 and 25 thousand florins. Very few, 13 percent of those surveyed, highlight the purchase of compulsory school supplies for less than ten thousand florins.

The former editorial office of index.hu has essentially ceased to exist, the country has lost its most read online interface. This is one of the most serious blows to the independent Hungarian press and freedom of information to date. The number of independent power editorial boards is steadily declining, and those that still exist are trying to stay afloat in a growing headwind. At HVG, we persevere, not giving in to pressure to bring in national and international news every day.

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