John Slavik hopes to avoid at least the fourth wave thanks to vaccines.

Coronavirus – the second year

More than a year has passed since the Chinese authorities informed the WHO of the emergence of a new, rapidly spreading virus. Since then, there has hardly been a person in the world who has not heard the term Covid-19, and more and more people are mourning a family member or friend with whom the new disease ended as stocks collapsed in weeks and our entire lives. they were rewritten. by the epidemic. By now, the vaccines have been completed, which in turn raises not only hope, but again a lot of questions, while not only stopping the virus, but also threatening another mutation. You can find the details of this fight in our article series.

Difficult weeks are expected for healthcare, the epidemic is increasing, János Szlávik, chief physician at South Pest Central Hospital, told Facebook feed Kovidők at an online roundtable on Thursday evening. According to the expert, the epidemic situation in Hungary will deteriorate in the next 3-4 weeks.

It is difficult to predict when the epidemic will end, and in this situation it is very difficult to say that we speak of relaxation.

– He declared, adding that the virus and the disease had changed, the course was more severe, others had symptoms.

When asked what the situation is now in hospitals, whether medical care can bear the burden, Dr Slavik replied that the British mutant is more onerous for the healthcare system than before, only in South Pest hospital. 90-95 percent of Covid classes caring for the infected.

A similar experience was reported by toxicologist Gábor Zacher, who currently works at Hatvan hospital. “We are meeting much more serious patients, entire families are entering the hospital,” he said. As for overcrowding, he said medical care could withstand the pressure,

we’re a little tired but we won’t give up

He said.

According to János Slavik, there is also a reserve in the health system. This was justified by the fact that no major changes such as those exemplified last year had yet occurred.

Vaccines were also discussed. In this regard, János Slavik pointed out that there is a big difference between the willingness of the young and the elderly to vaccinate: while the elderly do not bother, the young tend to. “Now there is again an ascending branch, which is due to the fact that only those who have a protection card will be able to attend parties and holidays, which is why several young people also choose to be vaccinated,” he explained.

According to experts, all vaccines available in Hungary are good, effective and safe.

Vaccinate above all

– emphasized Gábor Zacher, who lacks adequate communication about vaccines. “The lay people also have to be told in Hungarian the information the profession has, the disease has to be presented, which can encourage people to accept the vaccine, because only that gives protection,” he added. János Szlávik also agreed that the vaccination support campaign was not launched in time in Hungary, “we are a bit late on this.” They have also been accused of not admitting journalists to hospitals in Hungary, although everyone should see what is causing this disease.

The online discussion was also attended by György Purebl, director of the Institute of Behavioral Sciences at Semmelweis University, who spoke about the fact that he, too, feels constant and growing pressure as a psychiatrist. During his work, he encounters pain, despair, depression. He mentioned that according to an international study at the end of 2020, the incidence of depression in the world has tripled worldwide. “There can be many reasons for this: economic insecurity, tragedies that occur around us and the direct psychological impact of Covid,” he explained, who believes that we can arm ourselves against anxiety with healthy eating and exercise.

Gábor Zacher added that in the meantime drug use had decreased, “access to drugs had become more difficult, merchandise had risen.”

John Slavik closed the conversation and said that while he was wary of the predictions, he hoped there would not be a fourth wave thanks to vaccines.

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Renowned Hungarian virologists told me which type of vaccine they considered the best

Victoria teen

Amid the noise surrounding the coronavirus epidemic and vaccines, there are rare occasions when well-known (and well-known) virologists give professional opinions on the subject. However, the Kovidid information channel, operated by the researchers, managed to seat four experts on Friday night, who spoke about what type of vaccine they considered appropriate, what side effects can be expected and what they think about the licensing process.

Iván bedő

Protected antibodies are present in the body of those vaccinated in an amount a hundred times greater than that caused by the mere transmission of the disease, said the Facebook information channel of the Szeged researchers on Friday night, in which the Researchers urged everyone to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.