Due to the mayor’s decisions, a momentary man and a representative from LMP left the coalition led by Eger.


It is a tough and difficult decision to make today. I will end my membership in the municipal faction of the Unity for the City Association and continue my work for the Eger in a constructive opposition role.

Write in your statement Zoltán Keresztes Member who politicized in Eger as a member of the Leading City Association for the City faction. Crusader writes that the reason for leaving is the mayor of the city, who will leave Jobbik in June. Ádám Mirkóczki leadership style and the dubious quality decisions he made as a result.

It also lists some decisions:

  • The mayor appointed people in the town hall, as well as in companies and municipal institutions, without consulting the faction of the Association for the City in Unity.
  • At the initiative of the mayor, the local government companies will be transferred to an umbrella organization, EVAT Zrt., Which will thus remain outside the control of the general meeting chosen by Eger. This solution, which evokes the management tricks of the Fidesz city, significantly impairs the transparency of municipal companies that manage public funds.
  • The decision to build the car park on Malomárok Street was made without consulting me, the elected representative of the residents of the affected area.
  • Furthermore, following the motion of the mayor, the city budget was modified in July amid serious professional deficiencies for which I, as the responsible municipal representative at the time, could not say yes.
  • Furthermore, on the instructions of the mayor, the committee investigating the suspected cases of the former Fidesz municipal administration was abolished before it could present substantial results. Our voters expect us to be responsible, and in light of this, this decision is incomprehensible to a mayor who claims to be independent.

According to him, these could have been prevented if the mayor had consulted with the deputies who in principle run the city with him.

At the press conference, not only the Crusader, but the LMP Csaba Komlósi He also announced that he was leaving the faction, wrote on Facebook about the reasons for this.

In Eger Ádám Mirkóczki he became mayor in Jobbik colors, but then left the party. Nine members of the Chamber of Deputies have so far belonged to the faction that governs the city, but with the resignation of the Cross, they have been able to lose in practice the majority in the Board. Although Fidesz has only six representatives, a Hungarian and an independent representative sit on the board, along with the remaining eight representatives from the Association for the City, the mayor and the two new members of the opposition.

Featured image: Péter Komka / MTI
