Due to an Argentine player, Barcelona does not need Neymar


Neymar Nyron does not return from Paris Saint-Germaint to FC Barcelona, ​​according to Catalunya Rdio.

The main reason for the expected failure was that the coronary arteries had caused a financial crisis that had profoundly affected the financial resources of the Catalan football club.

Neymar, 28, won the biggest soccer game of all time in 2017, when PSG bought € 222 million from Barcelona. Now the French club would give an average of 170 million more than that to the Brazilian fight, but the Catalans do not want as much and cannot simply go for it.

According to Catalan information, Neymar does not need BarcelonaSource: AFP / 2020 UEFA / –

According to Catalan Barcnl is no longer a priority for the return of the Brazilian Tmad, but for Lautaro Martnez to acquire it from the International. The Italian club costs 111 million euros for the Argentine team, but this is plagued by the leader of the Spanish league cmvd.

The 22 Martnez boy scored 16 times in all thirty games of the Black Milk League season. He is prone to gambling, admits that it is a great attraction that his compatriot in Barcelona, ​​the six-time golden ball, can be on the side of Lionel Messi. The 17-time Argentine rival received 25 million euros in Milan from the Argentine Racing Club in July 2018, the current estimated market value is approximately 64 million euros.
