Dramatically, many people are dying in Romania and Belgium from the coronavirus


While very few in Hungary, and in Romania and Belgium, a large number have died from the coronavirus epidemic. The key lies in crisis management: the Hungarian bourgeois and conservative government, unlike the Romanian and Belgian left-wing cabinets, made its decisions on time and developed a conscious strategy to combat the virus.

The second wave of the coronavirus epidemic has also reached Europe, successively taking its victims in different countries. Thanks to good government measures, there are still few deaths in Hungary compared to other states on the continent.

Many died in Romania and Belgium

According to the latest data, 33 people infected by the coronavirus have died in Romania in the last 24 hours. On Sunday, even more, 43 people. Our neighbor to the east has had a large number of cases per day since the beginning of June. On September 1, for example, authorities recorded 60 deaths from coronavirus.

Including Monday’s data, the number of coronavirus deaths in Hungary’s eastern neighbor rose to 3,926. According to a European study published in mid-August, Romania was the hardest hit by the coronavirus epidemic during that period.

Deaths from coronavirus are also high, 11.5 million in Belgium, where 9,907 people have died since the outbreak. In the state of Benelux, the first person died from the coronavirus on March 11, and since then the epidemic has had an average of 55 (!) Victims per day (in Hungary, this number is only 3). The number of deaths has decreased in the summer, but is now increasing again.

Hungary is known as one of the best defended countries, which is demonstrated, among other things, by the fact that a total of 39 people have died since the beginning of July. On average, this only means one death every other day. By comparison, since the beginning of July, 888 people have died in France and 2,259 in Romania. This comparison also shows that

the Hungarian virus epidemic and the resulting crisis were well managed by the Hungarian government.

However, it is also worth seeing what led to the total failure of the Romanian and Belgian governments.

The reason for failure: poor crisis management

In Hungary’s eastern neighbor, the epidemic has clearly escaped due to the left-wing government’s slow reaction time and late government decisions.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic caused the main problemthat the 1.2 million Romanian citizens working in the most infected Italy were able to return home safely for a long time. At the beginning of the epidemic, most of them went home and the Romanian government did not pay enough attention to the introduction of the virus. The total failure of the management of the epidemic in Romania is well illustrated by the fact that the first case of infection was registered in a man returning from Italy on February 25, but air traffic between the two countries was not suspended until March 9.

To make matters worse, a government crisis broke out in Romania between February and March. Ludovic Orban’s government, bypassing parliament, wanted to change the electoral law to improve its chances. In response, the opposition overthrew the government with a vote of no confidence. The fact that different ministries communicated differently at the start of the epidemic did not benefit crisis management either. Until thez The Ministry of Health recommended Romanians working in Italy to go home, the Ministry of the Interior asked them not to do so.

The mismanagement of the crisis by the left-wing Romanian government is well illustrated by the fact that the former Romanian Minister of Health, Victor Costache, was forced to resign at the height of the crisis. The announcement came after dozens of doctors and patients from various Romanian hospitals infected each other.

Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban explains the certificateSource: MTI / EPA / Bogdan Cristel

In Belgium, it initially did not seem clear whether there would be epidemiological control at the national level or whether the Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels regions would introduce separate protective measures. Complicating the situation is the fact that there are several health ministers in Belgium. This was only compounded by that Several ministers of health are divided between the federal (Belgium), regional (Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels) and linguistic community (Flemish-Dutch, French and German-speaking communities) levels.

This was not the only problem, as the left government underperformed in crisis management. Federal Health Minister Maggie De Block did not take the coronavirus seriously. On February 7, she told Belgian public television that the coronavirus was spreading faster than traditional colds, but believed that colds were more dangerous than the coronavirus. It contributed to the deepening of the crisis for a long time there was a severe shortage of masks in the country, which contributed it is also a serious scandal. The latter is linked to Mahmut Öz, a businessman of Turkish migrant origin who already has Belgian citizenship. He ran as a partner in the party of Öz De Block and Verhofstadt in the municipal elections of 2018. The conclusion is that five million masks have mysteriously disappeared, with protective teams linked to liberal politicians. “Mahmut Öz Service Support Agency “should have been brought into the country.
