Dramatic decision for Austrians: a city of 7,000 inhabitants has been completely closed, but the entire province of Salzburg is in big trouble


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Since Saturday, an Austrian settlement of 7,000 people became an epidemic they are available only for the most essential supplies and services. Travelers cannot enter the area, nor can residents leave the city to go to work. said Wilfried Haslauer, provincial governor of Salzburg. The quarantine is for two weeks.

In Kuchl, the situation spirals out of control. There are no more identifiable foci, the epidemic affects all social groups and strata through families

Haslauer said at a press conference. “The events at the Covid-19 in Salzburg are more than worrying, I would say dramatic,” said the provincial leader.

As you said, they opted for local quarantine to avoid national restrictions.

Haslauer added that additional measures will be introduced in the province of Salzburg, including distance education for those aged 14 and over.

If the situation continues so explosively, so exponentially, we can reach the limit of our capabilities in about 10-12 days.

said Christian Stoeckl, provincial health minister.

The restrictions are being introduced as a result of the number of infected people in the area rising to 284 per 100,000 inhabitants, which is three times the Austrian weekly average. In the last 24 hours, 1,552 new infections have been identified nationwide.

Salzburg is one of the three main ski regions in Austria. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz recently assured everyone that tourists in Austria will be safe for the upcoming winter tourist season, although several countries have issued warnings to some regions of the country about the increase in the number of infected.

A tightening has been announced not only in Austria but also in London, for example, But as we have summarized today in our European perspective, there are many similar examples across the continent, although there are varying degrees. For example, Madrid has also been closed, which means that the movement of 5 million people is severely restricted in the capital alone:

Cover Image Source: Alexander Pohl / NurPhoto via Getty Images
