Drama University is closed – Napi.hu


The buildings of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) are closed as of Monday, teaching can only continue in February.

The academic year can be continued as of February 1, 2021, until then no educational activity can be carried out in any way at the institution. Among others, this was decided on Friday by the board of the foundation maintained by SZFE.

“The Board of the Foundation has established that in the present circumstances the conditions of education, the validity and protection of the rights of the students, the adequate and safe working conditions and the academic autonomy of the University cannot be guaranteed at the University of Theater and Film Arts “. in a Friday night circular posted on its website.

According to Infostart, it has been decided that the credits of subjects taken in the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year cannot be verified, so there is no way to recognize them. The foundation’s board of trustees asked the university management to take the necessary measures to implement the measures, inform the university citizens accordingly and arrange for the extension of the academic year as necessary, ensuring the subjects of the first semester in the following semesters .

“Due to the blockade that paralyzed the University of Theater and Film Arts, the university management has not been able to enter the university facilities for more than a month. Due to this, it can make responsible decisions only to a limited extent, without controlling the actual educational processes., signed by the acting rector Emil Novák and the chancellor Gábor Szarka.

According to the wording of the document, the negotiations to consolidate the operation of the university were rejected by students and professors. It was emphasized that support decisions do not affect the existence of the student’s legal relationship, nor do they result in the suspension or termination of the student’s legal relationship. The measures also do not affect student employment contracts and student loan agreements. Students’ study and social scholarships are awarded within the framework of the relevant regulations.

“The university buildings will be closed for educational activities and student residences from November 9, 2020 to February 1, 2021. The Chancellor will provide accommodation to students entitled to university residence services who are temporarily unable to provide accommodation on the basis of a reasoned request “.

It was also noted that students will not be required to pay a fee until February 1, 2021, payments already made will be refunded or, at the student’s option, if they apply for the semester beginning February 1, they will be will credit the repeated semester. The organization of the semester from February 1, 2020 is coordinated by János Zalán, acting Rector of Education.

The Board of the SZFE Foundation also informs the Office of Education about its decisions.

On Friday evening, SZFE students informed MTI in a statement that the Minister of Innovation and Technology had not accepted their invitation to next Wednesday’s meeting. According to them, László Palkovics informed the students in a letter that “instead of political objectives, the government seeks to serve professional ends by providing the necessary budgetary resources to provide quality theater and film education. It does not want to have a greater voice in the current conflict situation “. “.
