Donald Trump: China has let the coronavirus spread around the world


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The UN should hold China accountable for its actions, the president said, adding that China has unleashed this plague on the world. He noticed:

In the early days of the virus, China suspended domestic travel, but in the meantime allowed flights to leave the country and infect the world.

Trump accused China and the World Health Organization (WHO) of spreading false information about ways to infect the virus. He noted that “the Chinese government and the WHO, which is almost entirely under China’s control, have falsely stated that there is no evidence that the virus spreads from person to person.” The president again referred to the new type of coronavirus as a “Chinese virus.”

He also criticized Beijing’s environmental policy, highlighting overfishing, ocean pollution and higher levels of toxic mercury emissions than any other country. He stressed that if the UN wants to be an effective organization, it must focus on the real problems of the world. Among these concerns, he mentioned terrorism, the oppression of women and human trafficking. He called Iran the main supporter of terrorism.

In his speech, the president spoke about the recent peace agreement signed in Washington between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. “These revolutionary peace agreements mark the beginning of a new Middle East,” he said. He added that he had never been more optimistic about the future of the region and that other countries would soon follow the example of the two Arab states.

In his opening remarks, UN Secretary General António Guterres said that everything possible must be done to avoid a new Cold War. He stressed that due to the coronavirus epidemic, there is now a need to “declare a ceasefire around the world to put out the fires of burning conflicts.” Guterres called the dispute between the United States and China dangerous.

Cover image: Shutterstock
