“Do I look like a radical socialist who likes riots?”


That is the question Joan Biden asked Americans. With only ten weeks left until the presidential election in the United States, now she is just beginning her promising campaign for the toughest of all time.

Joe biden still leads with a significant advantage Donald trump before the president of the United States in the presidential elections, and it may appear that the victory of the Democratic presidential candidate is almost certain. But that was the generally accepted view four years ago, when it was widely used Hillary clinton he was expected to win, and in the end, in a close fight, he missed Trump.

However, the Biden campaign does not believe that the presidency is almost in their pockets and they hope that the competition will only intensify. As I’ve said before Anita dunn, a senior advisor to Biden’s campaign, told the US news agency AP:

This team has always been aware that it will be a close and tough competition.

They stop

During the spring and summer, the Trump campaign criticized Bident for “hiding” in the basement of his home in Delaware since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic in March, after the Democratic presidential candidate failed to conduct the campaign events recommended by epidemiologists. That will change now.

Starting next week, Biden will also begin touring the country, especially the key states for the presidential elections.

Will go where you need to go

He said Herald Press newspaper in Cedric Richmond. Biden’s campaign co-chairman said there had always been a plan for Biden and his vice presidential nominee Kamala harris After Labor Day on the first Monday in September in the United States, he begins traveling the country to personally convince voters that they should vote.

Photo: Chandan Khanna / AFP

The exact program is not yet known. Anita Dunn said Democratic candidates will travel to states where it can be epidemiologically safe to hold campaign events, and the rallies themselves will be “virus proof.” They don’t hold big events for thousands of people, but only visit smaller venues where participants can listen to speeches from a safe distance.

Biden’s team also wants to emphasize one of the main arguments of his campaign: that Trump has completely ruined the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, which has cost more than 180,000 Americans. Furthermore, Democrats view Trump as a completely incompetent, irresponsible and ignorant president, a racist populist with dictatorial leanings who fundamentally undermines American democracy and can do anything for power.

Democrats are primarily trying to attract moderate voters, especially members of the middle class who live in the suburbs, with a special focus on women and independents. Biden is seen as a great strength in his ability to address members of the working class and white middle class, including Republican voters, so Republicans disillusioned with Trump could play a significant role in his eventual victory.

Biden’s campaign has highlighted the need to include former Republican politicians in the Democratic Party’s two-week presidential nomination meeting, such as John Kasich, Former Governor of Ohio. A senior campaign aide told CNN they would launch a targeted digital campaign in the ten weeks leading up to the presidential election to persuade fluctuating Republican voters, using Republican and Conservative officials who openly sided with Biden.

They have something to choose from. CNN adds that approximately two dozen former Republican members of Congress, 75 former Republican experts on national security, and several former Republican members of the Justice Department have endorsed Biden, as well as hundreds of Republican professionals who have served as Republican presidential candidates in recent years. decades. At the end of August, for example, at the end of John McCain Senator More than a hundred members of his staff have indicated their support for Bident against Trump, which Democrats hope will even be crucial in the state of Arizona.

Trump: Biden’s Presidency Brings the End of America

During the Trump campaign, he tries to sweeten the constituency itself, or rather drive it away from Bident.

Photo: Nathan Howard / Getty Images / AFP

At last week’s presidential nomination meeting, where Trump was officially named the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, speakers tried one after another to convince Americans that Biden’s presidency was synonymous with the death of the United States. Bident was painted as a senile old man who does not even realize that he is the puppet of the socialist left wing of the Democratic Party and a weak leader who is unable to protect the peaceful suburbanites from destructive riots and looters.

Trump’s campaign, which has been the focus of law and order for months, has now focused primarily on the latter: riots at police rallies in parts of Portland and Kenosha, Wisconsin. They hope to connect the “mobs” who loot and ignite business with the Democrats, blaming them for the “crazy violence” that was made possible by the weakness of “radical left-wing mayors and governors,” Trump wrote on his Twitter page Monday. .

And in the meantime, they try to talk as little as possible about the coronavirus epidemic, which most Americans say Trump has mishandled. While the Biden campaign tries to follow the advice of epidemiologists and does not personally visit voters who are most likely to be persuaded online or by phone and by letter, the Trump campaign has gone the opposite way. Republicans – followed Barack Obama Election Strategy – Try to reach as many voters in person at your home as possible. The party said it had already knocked on more than a million doors a week in early August and that they want to accelerate that pace in the coming weeks.

Trump, who loves big campaign rallies, is scheduled to give speeches in airport hangars, where he can inspire his supporters almost in the open air, largely following epidemiological recommendations. The method was invented after a campaign launch meeting held in an arena in Tulsa, where surprisingly few showed up, completely failed, presumably due to the threat of an epidemic.

Photo: Nicholas Kamm / AFP

Ten weeks to go

The Trump campaign didn’t have much time to scare independent voters and suburban women out of voting for Biden, and the Democratic presidential candidate’s speech Monday in the key state of Pennsylvania showed they would have a hard time. As Biden mentioned, the elderly politician is well known to American voters, and the former vice presidential candidate, who also has good relations with many Republicans, is famous, among other things, for not being radical at all. As he put it:

They know me. They know what kind of person I am, they know my story, the story of my family. Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist who likes riots?

Biden noted that riots broke out in American cities under Trump’s presidency when he was in power, and it was he who could stand up to the violence.

According to his critics, Trump is trying to incite violence as much as possible because he hopes he can get enough votes to win with the image of burning cities. On Tuesday, for example, despite requests from local officials, he will travel to Kenosha, Wisconsin, where he will meet with police officers and owners of looted stores to fulfill the role of “president of law and order” that he promises. Protect Americans from the “Left Mafia.”

As a Republican who previously held a high-level position in the Trump administration told the AP American news agency, Trump, who is currently in a bad position according to opinion polls, should not be described:

He will do anything to win. If you have to get through others, through your own people, or through US laws, You will. People can rightly worry.

Featured image: Win McNamee / Getty Images / AFP
