District 1 local government files lawsuit against Zsolt Bayer


He will demand Zsoltot Bayer Due to the complicated acquisition of houses, the local government of District I announced Márta V. Naszályi mayor. Now a legal expert opinion has been issued, on the basis of which the district administration considers Bayer’s housing case illegal, and a lawsuit is being filed.

Zsolt Bayer, a pro-government publicist and his immediate family, have not one, but two municipal rental apartments in the heart of the Buda Castle district, just a hundred meters away. The government publicist’s house in Pilisszentkereszt was exchanged twice for rent and then immediately bought back. As a result of the transactions, they became tenants of two apartments on Úri Street, and the property in Pest County was also retained; we reported on this previously.

V. Naszályi stated that it was not the case of the Bayer home that was taken into account when reviewing the municipality’s contract portfolio (which was managed by Fidesz until autumn 2019). For the first time in the summer of 2020, the municipality initiated several civil lawsuits for false housing exchanges. Among them, the Bayer case had not yet been included at the time, but in September, a pro-government publicist in an interview with the news portal instantly admitted that he had obtained an apartment in a castle bypassing the law, the current mayor said. According to the lawyer, Bayer knew that the exchange of the advertiser’s home was a sham, thus damaging the neighborhood.

It is not just the Bayer case that the municipality will sue, the mayor promised.
