Dissident Says: 99 Percent Says Kim Jongun Is Dead, Official Announcement May Come Over Weekend | BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics


A dissident who told South Korean news agency Jonhap claims with 99 percent certainty that North Korean dictator Kim Jongun has died of complications from his heart surgery. North Korean dissident Ji Seong-ho, who will also enter the legislature in the recent South Korean parliamentary elections, said North Korea could make a big announcement about Kim Jongun over the weekend.

“I was wondering how long it could last after complicated cardiac surgery. According to reports I received, Kim died last weekend, Ji told Yonhap news agency. – Certainty is not 100%, but I can say 99%. North Korea is now in a very serious and complicated situation with the person of the president’s successor, said Ji, who of course did not disclose where the information from the bomb commissioner came from, as his credibility could not be verified by other independent sources. And the South Korean presidential office reiterated in the same agency news that, in its understanding, there were no signs of any unusual movements around North Korea’s leadership, suggesting that Kim Jongun’s health had deteriorated. seriously or even a temporary replacement had occurred. .


With Kim Jongun’s closest male relatives disappearing from the scene in one form or another and the 36-year-old dictator’s son is still young, to the extent that it is not known whether he is a boy or a girl, the succession could trigger serious power struggles in North Korea. According to some experts, the order of succession is, in principle, the same as in the kingdoms of Korea, that is, the power rests with the children of the straight-line child. However, the dictator apparently did not think about it, nor is it clear if, for example, his wife could even formally lead the country until the little one grew up. The most likely scenario, according to Ji Seong-ho, also appears to be that, in the event of the leader’s death, his sister, Kim Yojong, could take control of the regime.

There has been much speculation over the past three weeks about the President’s state of health, including contradictions. The truth is that the North Korean dictator did not appear in mid-April in one of the most important celebrations in the country and the party, in commemoration of the birthday of the founder of the communist state, Kim Ir Sen. According to early rumors, Kim Jongun’s circulatory system, who was only 36 years old, suffered from heavy smoking and excess weight, leading to cardiovascular surgery on April 12. It was later rumored that, despite the intervention, he was in a state of crisis in the resort town of Xiangshan, near Pyongyang, and could even have died. And a few days ago, there were reports that Kim Jongun was alive and well and was able to escape to a luxury residence in her country from a coronavirus epidemic.
