Discovered, who am I? Swan and horse


A Not who i am? In the first show of season 2, two more skins were revealed after the corn mask was revealed.

Not who i am

The Nicsak, who am I? His horse and swan also had to reveal themselves – Photo: TV2

First the Swan his identity has been revealed. He first scratched the stage with an iconic Kriss Kross song. His second production is Fifth Element It was a difficult aria for the film, and with it he cleared all doubts about whether the singer was hiding behind the costume.


There was a wise man under the mask of the swan – Photo: TV2

According to Csaba Kajdi’s team, Zséda was hidden by the Swan mask, while Ábel Anita was guessed by Kozma Orsi. This time the Kajdi took the palm again, after the unveiling of the Corn they were able to register their second victory, because under the mask of the Swan it was really Zseda hidden. The 45-year-old singer betrayed that even the songs of El Cisne were a real challenge for her, she needed a lot of practice to do them.

Thus the swan came to light:

After the swan a Shoot revealed himself, who also made 3 productions: a Metallica song, Justin Bieber That power followed by animal cannibals Yozsefváros hit.

Cseh Laci

The Czech Laci was not among the forecasts of either team – Photo: TV2

Kajdi’s team guessed Miklós Ungvári and Ábel Anita’s team, Gábor Kucsera, but neither team came close to the solution: it turned out that the Horse suit was won by the Olympic silver and bronze medalist, the Hungarian world champion swimmer and European. Cseh Laci worn out. The betrayed athlete, standing on stage with the calm of beginners.

The horse revealed himself:

It was an interesting experience to get out of the habit!”- after the show, this is how Cseh Laci commented on her performance on the community page.

It was an interesting experience to get out of the habit! # I’m not # singing # singing

Posted by László Cseh on Sunday, November 22, 2020

Of the 4 contestants from the first show, the Tiger escaped the revelation.

A No matter who i am In its next broadcast, another 4 masked men will appear.

Also read the No matter who i am actors in nlc!


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