Diocese of Debrecen-Nyíregyháza – Provisions for the partial lifting of epidemiological restrictions | Hungarian courier


On the partial lifting of restrictions imposed after the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary and to prevent new infections (cf. Circulars of the Diocese of Debrecen-Nyíregyháza, 2020 / II., 204/2020) – in accordance with the Decree of the Government (cf. 168/2020), with the guidance of the MKPK and at the request of a large number of believers, I will put into effect the following provisions in our diocese from May 4, 2020. I urge the priesthood and the faithful to observe these:

1. Continue to pray with childlike trust and full hope to the living God in our individual and community prayers for the end of the epidemic and for all involved, and to encourage our believers to do the same.

2. Keep our temples open during the day so that believers can come individually to pray and worship. Continue not to use holy water tanks. After mass, clean benches, chairs, door handles, and church bars with disinfectant.

3. We ask our sick and elderly believers not to come to the temple community to protect themselves and others. They must continue to participate in masses and ceremonies through online broadcasts or the media. Let your church remain your home.

4. From Monday of the 4th week of Easter (May 4), we can celebrate Mass again with the personal participation of believers, following the guidelines below to ensure that the appropriate helpers participate.

Guided by a sense of responsibility for those in charge of our care, during mass and ceremonies for all participants:

– it is mandatory to use the designated and separate output and input where possible, but in any case avoid grouping;

– it is obligatory to use a device that covers the mouth and nose (protective mask, scarf, shawl) in the church (except for the priest of the mass and the singer);

– hand disinfection is mandatory upon arrival at the church, or when using a disinfectant brought with you or placed at the entrance to the church;

– It is mandatory to be located at a distance of 1.5 to 2 meters from each other so that they can only take place on every second bench or row of chairs; family members living in the same household can sit next to each other. The distance between people and the dimensions of the church determines the maximum number of participants! – Helpers are needed to enforce this.

– At Mass, the handshake greeting of peace should continue to be abolished.

– Sacrifice on the tongue and under two colors is not yet allowed.

– Order of sacrifice in the hands: after the sacrifice of the priest of the Mass and before the beginning of the sacrifice, carry out the disinfection of the hands in the same way as the acolyte who attends the sacrifice and disinfect again after the sacrifice.

Believers, keeping a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other and wearing a protective mask, contribute to Holy Communion by stretching both hands forward as long as possible (do the same for the sacrificial priest or acolyte), take a few steps On one side, adjust the mouth mask to your chin. underneath and grab the Sacrament of the Altar, then go to his place with a fitted mouth mask.

– The donation box departure placed in baskets at the exit, avoiding groupings. We would like to draw the attention of our followers to the fact that they can also send their money box donations or support for other purposes by bank transfer.

5. In accordance with the provisions of the Ecclesiastical Code, it was previously delivered to the territory of our diocese. exemption from the obligation to attend Sunday mass (cf. Circulars of the Diocese of Debrecen-Nyíregyháza, 2020 / II., 204/2020; CIC, § 87, § 1, § 1245) I still keep it in force, especially in the protection of high-risk believers.

6. In view of the current epidemiological situation. I still have the option to grant a general dissolution (cf. Circulars of the Diocese of Debrecen-Nyíregyháza, 2020 / II., 204/2020; CIC pp. 961–963). As for the confession of ears, I ask that the confession of the faithful does not yet take place in a confessional. Instead of a confessional, use a suitable room with many cubic meters of air for confession, wearing a mask and keeping a sufficient distance.

7. The baptism of a child can be carried out with the most careful observance of the required health distance and the necessary hygienic standards.

8. We plan to celebrate first communion and worship during the period after the end of the epidemic.

9. Swearing is also subject to Mass regulations.

10. Follow state epidemiological regulations in all aspects related to patient care and emergency slaughter.

11. The burial is carried out simply and briefly in the grave, omitting the morgue.

12. All the faithful in the temple (rosary, litany and sacramental adoration) conducted with or without a priest can participate in our adoration following the required health distance and the necessary hygiene norms with the utmost care.

13. I entrust the wise consideration of my fellow priests to the holding of small parish credit meetings, as well as the possibility of open-air masses, with the required medical distance and the necessary hygienic standards that are followed with the utmost care. Let’s not hold large-scale pilgrimages, mass prayer meetings, processions.

I ask my Brother Priests to bring these changes and rules to the attention of our followers through as many channels as possible.

We will continue to work with the authorities on everything and adhere to the general guidelines they have given.

Let us observe ourselves with active and resourceful pastoral care, especially for our sick, elderly and needy older brothers.

Asking for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, King Saint Joseph and Saint Ladislaus, the patron saint of our diocese, with a pastoral blessing:

Debrecen, May 1, 2020. Saint Joseph’s Day of Remembrance of the Worker

Ferenc Palánki

Debrecen, Nyíregyháza


Source: Diocese of Debrecen-Nyíregyháza

Photo: Atila Lambert

Hungarian courier
