Diálogo: Enter the Basic Law so that you can only leave the EU after a referendum!


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The Dialogue proposes to include in the constitution that Hungary can leave the European Union only after a valid and effective referendum.

At the press conference, MP Tamás Mellár said he feared that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the government wanted to remove Hungary from the EU. According to him, since a referendum was also required for entry, any withdrawal should be subject to a referendum.

Co-president Tímea Szabó said that with their move they are trying to make it difficult for the prime minister to remove the country from the Western European community to which it has always belonged. If a referendum were held today on the exit, Orbán would be “ugly defeated” because more than two thirds of Hungarians still want to belong to the democratic system that the prime minister “betrayed in recent years” – said the leader of the faction, about whom András Bencsik said in the last Press Club: “This woman is lying in such an ugly way, I have to say, it’s not nice to say that about a woman, but she is so ugly, so evil.”

Szabó said that the Dialogue is protesting against any “crazy” move, such as vetoing the EU budget. The EU is offering a non-repayable loan of HUF 1 million per family, but the head of government is vetoing people from this money and is instead getting a loan in foreign currency, he said.

According to a journalistic question, Orbán had previously confirmed in Parliament that Hungary had a place in the EU. Mellár responded that, based on the last few years, the intention to resign is developing more and more, and as the EU’s resources become increasingly scarce, this type of thinking will become stronger and stronger on the part of the Prime Minister. Minister and government.

The next budget veto also proves this, because if the EU head of government sees the future of Hungary, he must also take into account the other member states, said Mellár, who assured that “the EU is only attractive to them” until so. provided that EU funds “can be reached and handed over to their own oligarchs without control.”

To this, Tímea Szabó added that “the essence of Viktor Orbán’s government is robbery” and if he feels that the EU “does not allow more robberies”, he will do everything possible to “steal from other places and turn to the eastern, corrupt regimes. ”.

The co-chair was asked how the EU would pay Hungarian families the million HUF in free money that he mentioned. Szabó said Mayor Gergely Karácsony announced on Monday that hundreds of Hungarian and Polish cities are taking the initiative to gain direct access to EU subsidies.

They were also asked how he calculated the million HUF per family, to which he said that if the non-reimbursable allowance for the management of the epidemic is divided by the number of Hungarian residents, 250,000 HUF per person will come out, which means 1 million for a family of 4.

They also asked why Christmas is not launching an investigation into the BKV bus tender. Szabó said that Christmas would be asked about this, but that an investigation would be launched into the matter. (MTI)

When the country expects anti-epidemic measures, the government prioritizes the realization of its own power. Legalizing the theft of billions of billions of public property, the ideological war against sexual minorities, many changes to the electoral law to avoid the cooperation of the opposition … and there will be more ideas here. In spring, the day the emergency measures were introduced, the Index was occupied. Whats Next? Support the free press for as long as you can!
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