Demolition of the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, severely damaged in summer


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The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico will be closed permanently and the building will be demolished after the main object suffered severe damage in the summer. An auxiliary cable almost eight inches in diameter tore and crashed into a main part called the Gregorian Dome, the cable cutting a space of about thirty meters in the antenna dish that could no longer be bridged.


The observatory was delivered almost sixty years ago, in 1963, when it was the largest radio telescope on Earth with its 305 meter diameter antenna. Thousands of scientists around the world have used it in their research on atmospheric science, planetary science, radio astronomy, and radar astronomy. But it was important not only for science but also for pop culture. It was also used as a filming location in the 1997 James Bond film Goldeneye and the Relationship.

Thirty of the 38,000 panels had already been damaged once in 2017 when a power line broke due to high winds during Hurricane Maria, but that damage was minimal and repairable compared to what happened now in the summer of 2020.


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