Deferred surgeries and one-day surgeries will be suspended starting Tuesday.


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According to Saturday’s announcement by the Ministry of Human Resources, Miklós Kásler issued instructions to the heads of all active inpatient medical care institutions and the National Ambulance Service in order to ensure continuous care of the growing number of patients. with coronavirus.

This decision had been expected from Friday: Viktor Orbán spoke on the radio that day that they could decide to reschedule deferred surgeries in a very short time. In late September, the Hungarian Medical Chamber requested for the first time that this decision be made in order to have enough doctors and nurses to care for those infected with the coronavirus.

In the same interview, Orbán also spoke about his current predictions that 2,240 intensive beds will be needed on November 21 and 4,480 on December 10. This would be a disaster for Hungarian healthcare, which is reportedly already struggling to cope with the pressure of the epidemic.

In the now-issued instruction, Kassler ordered the suspension of deferred surgeries, including one-day surgery, starting Tuesday, and designated nearly all hospitals to treat coronavirus patients. The designation does not apply to institutions exempted under a prior ministerial order.

The exceptions to the suspension of interventions are emergency care, without which the patient would be in immediate danger of death or suffer serious or permanent damage to health. All cancer care, organized cancer screening, cardiology care recommended by the professional association, and the proper functioning of assisted reproductive procedures should continue to be provided. Transplantation can also be performed with strict adherence to epidemiological precautions.

According to the Ministerial Instruction, all publicly funded health care institutions that provide active care to hospitalized patients, except those exempted above, must care for suspicious patients with certified moderate to severe Covid infection.

To this end, institutions must reserve 40 percent of all beds funded by the National Health Insurance Fund (NEAK) to care for Covid patients starting Monday, and an additional 7 percent to provide care for Covid-infected beds.

The exact number of beds per institution is recorded in the Electronic Health Service Area (EHIC). The instructions also specify which providers should care for children with Covid, premature babies who need intensive care, and suspected or infected patients who need close contact who need artificial treatment.

The instruction specifies that inpatient facilities must properly isolate the patient and perform a rapid antigen test if a coronavirus infection is suspected. In case of a positive result, the patient can be placed in a common room with certified patients. In the event of a negative result, PCR sampling is also required.

The patient journey of suspected and confirmed Covid patients is coordinated by the National Ambulance Service. Patients with confirmed Covid infection but no symptoms or complaints, as well as patients with mild to moderate symptoms, will stay home or be discharged. In his case, a daily GP consultation is recommended, the ministry said.

In the 2018 parliamentary elections, the opposition coalition fell short and Fidesz again won a two-thirds majority. It’s about the secret negotiations that lead here and the infighting behind the scenes. MACRO latest edition. Péter Magyari, one of the 444 best-known investigative journalists, conducted background interviews with the most influential figures in Hungarian political life for months, and on the basis of them seeks the answer to the basic question of Hungarian democracy: ” can it replace the government in elections? ”

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