Decree has been published: this is how the border blockade changes


We wrote earlier that the decisions were made at the government meeting on Friday in light of the second wave: interestingly, they decided to loosen the border blockade introduced on September 1, while the number of active coronavirus cases continues to rise.

The relevant decree was also published in the Hungarian Gazette on Friday evening. Based on this, the following changes will take effect on September 5 (we mistakenly wrote September 9 in an earlier version):

  • Employees of a Hungarian cultural institution are also treated in the same way as Hungarian citizens if they enter Hungary after participating in a cultural event held abroad or as technical personnel. In other words, foreign interpreters can come to give concerts, do theater and carry out other cultural activities if they present two negative PCR tests that have been carried out within five days, at least 48 hours apart.
  • The accepted tests are also changing: previously, two tests had to be performed in Hungary, but tests performed in the Schengen countries, the United States and Canada will soon also be accepted. The test result must be confirmed by a document in Hungarian and English so that you do not have to be quarantined for two weeks.
  • “If the purpose of leaving Hungary is a commercial or economic activity, the fact of which is confirmed by the Hungarian citizen when returning to Hungary, the Hungarian citizen can enter the territory of Hungary without restrictions after leaving”, that is, travel by businesses are allowed without restrictions. Foreign citizens can come to us for business under the same conditions.
  • For those attending a sporting event, a sporting event or a cultural event, a PCR test performed once in the previous 3 days is sufficient. Anyone attending such an event must have a ticket and can verify it in Hungary.

Featured Image: MTI / EPA / Christian Bruna
